We find that our EE Smart Hub Router needs restarting around once a week to keep working reliably, and they lack a setting for restarting themselves automatically.
This is my not-so-simple solution to that problem - a script that can access the router settings, enter your admin password, and restart.
brew install node
sudo apt-get update
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser chromium-codecs-ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget
npx restart-ee-router [arguments]
sudo npm -g restart-ee-router
restart-ee-router [arguments]
name | default |
--password or -p |
NA |
--debugging or -d |
false |
--executablePath or -ep |
null |
--router-address or -ra | |
--silent or -s |
false |
--verbose or -v |
false |
--windowed or -w |
false |
Note that if executablePath
is specified, puppeteer-core
will be used instead of puppeteer
Note that if debugging
, then windowed
mode will automatically be enabled too.
macOS and Linux both come with crontab
There's plenty of in-depth information about scheduling tasks in crontab
, but I'll help you set up a simple task to restart the router every Monday morning at 0400:
- Open crontab config:
env EDITOR=vim crontab -e # sets the editor to vim and opens the crontab config
- Add the task:
0 4 * * Mon restart-ee-router -p "MY_ROUTER_ADMIN_PASSWORD" -s
On debian linux, it is necessary to be running a desktop GUI for this to work. You may need to specify a display in the crontab command so that the command is executed in a graphical context. You may also need to use windowed
mode for interactions to happen correctly.
For example:
0 4 * * Mon DISPLAY=:0 npx restart-ee-router -w -s -p MY_ROUTER_ADMIN_PASSWORD -ep "/usr/bin/chromium-browser"
Further to this, if your device is not connected to a monitor, you may need to fake a display. See my guide on adding a fake display to Raspbian
- More extensive error handling with more descriptive error messages.
- Support other routers (eg BT Home Hub and EE Bright Box Router)