- Register or log in to Discogs to get an API token here: https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers
- Register or log into Spotify and visit the devloper portal to create an application: https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/
- Save your client ID & client secret values for the next steps
- $ virtualenv -p python3 env
- $ source env/bin/activate
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- $ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=(value)
- $ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=(value)
- $ export DISCOGS_TOKEN=(value)
- $ python app.py
- Set up service account in Google with 'Cloud Run Developer' permissions
- clone to your GCloud Shell
- $ gcloud builds submit --timeout=900 --tag gcr.io/${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/final
- gcloud run deploy final --image gcr.io/${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/final --service-account (accountname)@${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com --set-env-vars SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=(value),SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=(value),DISCOGS_TOKEN=(value)