Simple, robust, thin HDF5 polymorphic Fortran read/write interface. Reading or writing {real64,real32,int32,int64} from scalar to 7d is as simple as
use h5fortran
call h5write('my.h5', '/x', x)
call h5read('my.h5', '/y', y)
For NetCDF4 see nc4fortran. h5fortran is designed for "serial" HDF5 read/write. h5fortran-mpi is a Fortran interface for "parallel" HDF5.
h5fortran is designed for easy use using static or shared linking from your project via:
cmake --install
- CMake ExternalProject (example)
- CMake FetchContent (example)
- CMake + Git submodule
- Fortran Package Manager (fpm)
Uses Fortran submodule
for clean template structure.
This easy-to-use, thin object-oriented modern Fortran library abstracts away the messy parts of HDF5 so that you can read / write various types/ranks of data with a single command.
In distinction from other high-level HDF5 interfaces, h5fortran works to deduplicate code, using polymorphism wherever feasible and extensive test suite.
Polymorphic API with read / write dataset types int32, int64, real32, real64, character (string) with rank scalar (0-D) through 7-D. Variable-length datasets "H5S_UNLIMITED" can also be read.
HDF5 attributes are also supported for read/write types int32, int64, real32, real64, character (string) with rank scalar (0-D) through 7-D.
For character, datasets and attributes are supported for fixed length and variable length strings. Character padding uses spaces as this is the default for Fortran. Space-padded, null-terminated and null-padded strings are also supported on read. UTF8 characters are passed through on read and write using the Fortran default character kind.
- Array slicing on read and write is supported, that is, reading or writing part of a disk HDF5 array into a variable matching the slice shape.
- Mismatched datatypes are coerced as per standard Fortran rules. For example, reading a float HDF5 variable into an integer Fortran variable: 42.3 => 42
- Zlib (deflate) compression / decompression -- h5fortran will work without Zlib, but will save/load uncompressed data only.
- create HDF5 soft link variables--arbitrarily many soft-linked variable names can point to an actual variable, which need not yet exist.
Tested on systems with HDF5 1.8, 1.10, 1.12, and 1.14 including:
- MacOS (homebrew)
- Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS)
- Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Windows MSYS2
- IBM Power with Gfortran
- Cray (using GCC or Intel backend)
Compilers known to work (tested on CI) include:
- GCC (gfortran) ≥ 8
- Intel oneAPI ≥ 2021
Compilers not currently working:
- NVidia HPC SDK 24.9: missing "rank()" intrinsic
- AOCC missing "rank()" intrinsic and trouble with "select type()" in submodule
We welcome contributions. In general we hold to the geospace-code code of conduct.
h5fortran can be built with CMake or fpm.
Using CMake:
git clone
cd h5fortran
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
By default, h5fortran CMake doesn't specify optimization flags to help working with old compilers like GCC 7. To enable optimization, set:
cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
For more details see
For general use with non-CMake build systems, "h5fortran.pc" pkg-config file is also generated / installed.
To save time, if not intended to use self-tests, you can skip the build of the test suite:
cmake -B build -Dh5fortran_BUILD_TESTING=off
fpm build
fpm test
fpm install
To build the HDF5 and ZLIB libraries, use the scripts folder.
The simplest example h5fortran usage is like:
use h5fortran
call h5write('golt.h5','/x', [1,2,3,4,5,6])
use h5fortran
real :: x2
if(.not. is_hdf5('golt.h5')) error stop 'golt.h5 is not an HDF5 file'
call h5read('golt.h5', '/x', x2)
For detailed examples see
- The first character of the filename should be a character, NOT whitespace to avoid file open/creation errors.
- Polymorphic array rank is implemented.
On HPC, we suggest using the HDF5 library provided by the HPC system for best performance and to avoid compiler ABI issues.
- arrays of rank > 7: prototyped in reader_nd.f90, writer_nd.f90. Fortran 2008 arrays are up to rank 15, but only recent compilers support.
- complex64 / complex128: not natively handled in HDF5. There are performance impacts for compound datatypes. Many choose to write two datasets, one each for real and imaginary like
- non-default character kind -- we do pass-through UTF8
- logical / boolean: not supported natively by HDF5. h5py implements as enum.
- variable length dataset writing
We didn't use type(c_ptr)
and c_loc()
internally for datasets as we observed problems when the actual argument is sliced on read/write.
The current h5fortran impementation (Fortran select type
for H5Dwrite/H5Dread) does work with sliced actual arguments.
HDF5 Fortran 2003 features
h5fortran was funded in part by NASA NNH19ZDA001N-HDEE grant 80NSSC20K0176.