Releases: geospatial-jeff/cognition-datasources
Releases · geospatial-jeff/cognition-datasources
- Changing deployment from AWS Elasticbeanstalk to Lambda + API Gateway.
- Drivers can now be packaged as Lambda Layers, allowing them to be distributed through AWS Lambda by loading the layer into a function's configuration.
- Drivers can now be loaded into a Serverless Framework project for cloud deployment. Each datasource is packaged as a lambda function which references the lambda layer of both the cognition-datasources base layer and the appropriate driver layer.
- Introduced a simple lambda fan-out pattern to distribute requests across the loaded drivers (see
) with API Gateway integration to create simple STAC endpoint (/stac/search)
- Updated CLI and docs to reflect changes in deployment.
- Updating driver template and documentation to reflect changes in deployment.
- Updated how spatial coverages are packaged alongside the driver. Now uses AWS Lambda Spatial Databases (previously rtree).
- Drivers now use Docker for dependency management, ensuring that the driver will successfully integrate with cognition-datasources when loaded.
- Cognition-Datasources Lambda Layer: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725820063953:layer:cognition-datasources:6
- Cognition-Datasources Docker Image: geospatialjeff/cognition-datasources:0.3
- Demo API Endpoint:
Merge pull request #6 from geospatial-jeff/dev Final changes before next pre-release
adding example method