This plugin extend the back-end forms to new field types.
- Pickadate (datepicker and timepicker)
- TimePicki (timepicker)
- MiniColors (colorpicker)
- renders a text field used for selecting date and times.
label: Date
type: pickadate
mode: date
Option | Description |
mode | the expected result, either date, datetime or time. Default: datetime. |
selectYears | display select menus to pick the year. Default: false. |
selectMonths | display select menus to pick the month. Default: false. |
interval | choose the minutes interval between each time in the list. Default: 30. |
See the demo:
- renders a text field used for selecting times.
label: Time
type: timepicki
stepSizeMinutes: 10
Option | Description |
increaseDirection | set increase hour or minute direction. Default: 'down'. |
customClasses | add custom class name in timepicki for our own like css purpose. Default: ''. |
minHourValue | set minimum hour which means we can set minimum value of hour. Default: 0. |
maxHourValue | also can set maximum hour same like minimum hour. Default: 23. |
showMeridian | you can choose to hide the AM/PM selector. Default: false. |
stepSizeHours | the step size with which hours have to increase or decrease Default: 1. |
stepSizeMinutes | the step size with which hours have to increase or decrease Default: 1. |
overflowMinutes | that hours will be updated if we go over the maximum/minimum of the minutes counter. Default: false. |
disableKeyboardMobile | prevent keyboard to show up on mobile, side effect: you can't type your hour on desktop keyboard anymore either. Altering hours and minutes with arrows is still possible. Default: false. |
reset | if want to reset time in input, to enable reset option. Default: false. |
See the demo:
- renders controls to select a color value.
label: Choose color
type: minicolors
control: wheel
Option | Description |
animationSpeed | the animation speed of the sliders when the user taps or clicks a new color. Default: 50. |
animationEasing | the easing to use when animating the sliders. Default: 'swing'. |
changeDelay | the time, in milliseconds, to defer the change event from firing while the user makes a selection. Default: 0. |
control | determines the type of control. Valid options are 'hue', 'brightness', 'saturation', and 'wheel'. Default: 'hue'. |
format | the format MiniColors should use. Valid options are 'hex' and 'rgb'. Default: 'hex'. |
hideSpeed | the speed at which to hide the color picker. Default: 100. |
keywords | a comma-separated list of keywords that the control should accept (e.g. inherit, transparent, initial). Default: ''. |
letterCase | determines the letter case of the hex code value. Valid options are 'uppercase' or 'lowercase'. Default: 'lowercase'. |
position | sets the position of the dropdown. Valid options are 'bottom left', 'bottom right', 'top left', and 'top right'. Default: 'bottom left'. |
showSpeed | the speed at which to show the color picker. Default: 100. |
See the demo:
- en - English
- hu - Magyar
- Datepicker: Pickadate
- Timepicker: TimePicki
- Colorpicker: MiniColors