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Vim Environment Configuration

This repo includes my personal vimrc configuration, mappings and plugins selection

  • Installation:

    git clone --recursive ~/.vim
  • Link the user's vimrc to the one in the repository

    ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
  • To update the plugins

    git submodule foreach git pull origin master
  • To add a new plugin as a git submodule

    git submodule add bundle/plugin

Installed plugins

The plugins are installed as git submodules to maintain consistency with each plugin's updates

  • pathogen.vim : Manages the runtime path of every plugin
  • NERDTree: A tree explorer plugin for Vim
  • NERDCommenter: Vim plugin for quick commenting and uncommenting
  • tagBar: Vim plugin that displays tags in a windows, ordered by scope
  • command-t: Fast file navigation for VIM
  • ack: Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
  • bufExplorer: Buffer Explorer / browser
  • EasyMotion: Vim motion on speed!
  • gundo: Plugin to visualize your Vim undo tree
  • snipMate: TextMate's snippets in Vim
  • vim-fugitive: "A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal"
  • vim-gitgutter: A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/reverts hunks.
  • powerline: Statusline plugin for Vim
  • tabular: Vim script for text filtering and alignment
  • vim-repeat: Enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
  • syntastic: Syntax checking hacks for Vim
  • surround: Quoting/parenthesizing made simple
  • Align: Help folks to align text, eqns, declarations, tables, etc
  • vim-jade: Vim Jade template engine syntax highlighting and indention
  • vim-indent-guides: A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code
  • vim-json: A better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly.
  • vim-unimpaired: pairs of handy bracket mappings
  • vim-expand-region: Vim plugin that allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination.
  • mru.vim: Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files
  • vim-abolish.vim: easily search for, substitute, and abbreviate multiple variants of a word


  • emmet-vim: Vim plugin which provides support for expanding abbreaviations similar to emmet
  • matchit: Extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX and many other languages


  • vim-less: Vim syntax for LESS (dynamic CSS)




  • jedi-vim: Using the jedi autocompletion library for Vim
  • coveragepy: A Vim plugin to facilitate integration with


  • haskellmode: An unpacked copy of the haskellmode vimball

Included color schemes

  • distinguished: A dark vim color scheme fr 256-color terminals
  • vividchalk: A colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X Editor
  • solarized: precision colorscheme for the Vim text editor


Vim environment configuration and plugins







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