Exploring the v28 android design support library
Making actionbar beautiful by showing count
Training animation
Which android animator to use?
Animation Tutorials
Playing with material desgin transitions
Exploring the android app bundle
BiometricPrompt vs FingerprintManager
Implementing google refreshed modal bottom sheet
Smile its camerax preview and capture
Consejos sobre clean Architecture
Connectivity network internet state change android 10
Constraint layout explained using a complex ui
Coroutines on Android Part 1
Coroutines Antonio Leiva
Create Retrofit CallAdapter for Coroutines to handle response as states
Handling exceptions the easy way
quickstart mlkit
Read barcodes
Issues quick start
Pass data between fragments
On request permission result deprecated
Fragments - Communicate
Fragments fragment result
Fragment result deep dive
Instant search using kotlin flow operators
Synchronous communication with the ui using state flow
Working with google play biling part 1
Treat your build files as you treat your code
Using glide to efficiently load images in android
Support for newer java language apis
Examples for using the Java 8 Date and Time API (JSR 310)
Java 8 DateTime api
ThreeTenABP for time zone handling in open event android
There Is No Material Design Spinner for Android
Everything you need to know about memory leaks
Run parallel tasks in java or android and get callback when all complete
Understanding how does retrofit work
Baterry optimization for android apps
Creating a Multiple-View-Type RecyclerView Using the Visitor Pattern
Precomputedtext new api android pie
Android app performance metrics
ConstraintLayout Performance
Understanding performance benefits ConstraintLayout
Performance and view hierarchies
Example class to export import a realm database
Diffutils improving performance of recyclerview
Diffutil is a must
Recyclerview swipe delete undo using item touch helper
RecyclerView scrolling performance
Restore RecyclerView scroll position
Recycler view sticky header
Sticky header without external library
Android expandable merge adapter
Smooth Recyclerview scrolling in android
Build a Multi-Selection List Using RecyclerView
Cleaning up resources in view holder
Arc Layout Manager
Android new results api and how to use it
Activity results api
Scoped Storage Stories Undocumented Documents
Data and file storage overview
Scoped storage tutorial for android 11 deep dive
Android 11 changes storage
StateListAnimator a powerful little tool for elevation
Android expresso for beginners
Better android testing at airbnb
Android testing strategy
Android dark theme implementation recap
One textview to rule them all justifying text
Uri access lifetime still shorter than you might think
Easy path to animated icons Vector Assets