This is a script to restore main file and folder permissions for a damaged Ubuntu installation in few minutes (2-10 min). Afther that it reinstalls all packages using aptitude to recover accidentally deleted package files and fixing any additional permission. This process takes much longer depending on the number of installed packages, but afther the first phase most of your installation works again.
This script is intended to quickly restore Ubuntu functionality if you accidentally ran chmod -R or chown -R or rm -rf an entire tree (like /bin, /usr, /lib).
Most of the times you'll need to boot from a live disk with Internet access unless your installation still boots and has networking functionality. In this case you only need to download and unpack the file to a temporary folder and run the scripts below. It uses busybox, so you don't need any working binary at least to do the initial setup.
If you boot from a live disk (I.E. Ubuntu Desktop Installer), first of all you need to mount your damaged Ubuntu installation:
Open a terminal and type:
sudo -i
mount /dev/sdx[n] /mnt # Where sdx[n] is your disk and partition. For example /dev/sda1
mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
mount --rbinb /proc /mnt/proc
mount --rbind /run /mnt/run
Download and unpack file contents to a temporary folder inside /mnt (like /mnt/tmp)
chroot /mnt
cd /tmp/restore-ubuntu-default-file-permissions-and-owners
It only repairs original package file and folder permissions. All new added files are left unchanged and need to be repaired manually.
It creates a backup of permissions and owners for all elements of a specified tree and stores them in a file so you'll be able to restore it later in case of disaster.
Warning: It doesn't cross filesystem boundaries, so if you have mount points from another filesystems you'll need to backup them manually.
Usage: ./
For example: ./ /usr ~/permissions-backup.txt
You'll get a file with the following format;
It restores a previously created permissions from a backup file to specified base folder. BE CAREFUL! Parameters order is inverse now.
For example: ./ ~/permissions-backup.txt /usr