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DX Backstage Backend Plugin

DX Backstage plugin to automatically sync your Backstage data to DX Data Cloud.


  1. Install this plugin in your backstage backend —
yarn add @get-dx/backstage-backend-plugin
  1. Configure a proxy endpoint with the DX host and token found at
# app-config.yaml
      target: ${DX_API_HOST_URL}
        Authorization: Bearer ${DX_API_TOKEN}
  1. Add a new plugin file at packages/backend/src/plugins/dx.ts
import { PluginEnvironment } from "../types";
import { createRouter } from "@get-dx/backstage-backend-plugin";

export default async function createPlugin(env: PluginEnvironment) {
  return await createRouter({
    scheduler: env.scheduler,
    logger: env.logger,
    discovery: env.discovery,
    config: env.config,
  1. Update your backend startup to include the DX plugin —
import dx from "./plugins/dx";
// ...
const dxEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv("dx"));
// ...
apiRouter.use("/dx", await dx(dxEnv));
  1. Deploy your backend!


Entity Filter

Optionally set catalogSyncAllowedKinds to only send specific kinds of entities to DX.

# app-config.yaml
  catalogSyncAllowedKinds: [API, Component, User, Group]

New Backend System

The DX backend plugin has support for the new backend system, here's how you can set that up:

In your packages/backend/src/index.ts make the following changes:

  import { createBackend } from '@backstage/backend-defaults';

  const backend = createBackend();

  // ... other feature additions

+ backend.add(import('@get-dx/backstage-backend-plugin'));



You may optionally configure a schedule for the task that matches a TaskScheduleDefinition, only each key is optional —

# app-config.yaml
      minutes: 45

The default schedule in TaskScheduleDefinition format is —

Property Value
frequency { hours: 1 }
timeout { minutes: 2 }
initialDelay { seconds: 3 }
scope 'global'

Service to Service Auth

If you are using backstage service to service auth you can pass a tokenManager to the plugin to authenticate requests from the plugin to your Catalog and Proxy API.

export default async function createPlugin(env: PluginEnvironment) {
  return await createRouter({
    tokenManager: env.tokenManager,

Application Id

Optionally set appId to distinguish multiple instances of backstage within DX. Can be any string as long as it's unique within your DX account.

# app-config.yaml
  appId: staging

Disable Catalog Sync

Optionally set disableCatalogSync to disable running the software catalog sync scheduled task.

This can be helpful for local development or when running multiple environments of backstage, such as dev, staging, prod.

# app-config.yaml
  disableCatalogSync: true