Chore: move telegram link into toplevel of settings so that it can be found easier
Feat: update coordinator API to show more details on pending channel balance
Feat: show dlc-channel balance instead of ln-balance in app and in coordinator's API
Feat: allow collaboratively close a channel from coordinator and the app
Chore: don't allow multiple dlc-channels per user
Feat: show dlc-channel opening transaction in transaction history
Feat: allow force-close a DLC channel
Feat: made sure that rollover works with dlc-channels
Fix: correctly remember reserved utxos and don't accidentally double spend
Feat: Allow recovering from a stuck protocol state by resending last outbound dlc message on connect
Feat: update api to collaboratively revert a dlc-channel
Feat: Allow continuing from an offered dlc channel state (offered, settle offered and collab close offered)
Feat: add a new project webapp
. Eventually this will have the same functionality as our app (and more) and can be run on a self-hosted server
Chore (webapp): Add API allow requests from any origin (CORS)
Feat (webapp): Allow creating new orders through webapp
Feat (webapp): Show open position in trade screen
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