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One can initialize Gauge projects using several templates as described here. This repo contains the Maven archetypes for Gauge.

Maven archetypes for Gauge

  • gauge-archetype-java
  • gauge-archetype-selenium

To add a Maven Archetype for Gauge-Java

Step 1: Generate a maven archetype template with command

mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-archetype -DgroupId=com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven -DartifactId=[Your archetype artifact ID] -Dversion=[Your archetype version]

Naming convention for Gauge-Maven archetypes:

Artifact ID: `gauge-archetype-[Name of archetype]`
Group ID: `com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven`

Step 2: Add the template files and metadata to archetype.

Step 3: Manually generate Maven Project with command

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=[Your archetype artifact ID] -DarchetypeGroupId=com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven -DarchetypeVersion=[Your archetype version]

Step 4: Add Integration tests using Maven Archetype plugin. To run integration tests:

mvn clean install archetype:integration-test

Check this tutorial for detail on how to create a Maven archetype.