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Steven Neiland edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 1 revision

CFML tags

Enhanced tags


Generates a visual representation of the elements, variables, and values of most kinds of ColdFusion objects.


	var = "#variable#" 
	output = "browser|console|file" 
	format = "text|html" 
	abort = "true|false"> 
	label = "text" 
	metainfo = "yes|no" 
	top = "number of rows|number of levels" 
	show = "columns|keys" 
	hide = "columns|keys" 
	keys = "number of keys to display for structures" 
	expand = "yes|no"  
	showUDFs = "yes|no">


Attribute Req/Opt Options Default Description
var Required unless eval used
  • Array
  • CFC
  • COM object
  • file object
  • Java object
  • simple
  • query
  • structure
  • UDF
  • wddx
  • xml
Variable to display.
Enclose a variable name in number signs.
expand Optional
  • yes
  • no
yes yes: in Internet Explorer and Mozilla, expands views.
no: contracts expanded views.
format Optional text Use with the output attribute to specify whether to save the results of a cfdump to a file in text or HTML format.
hide Optional all

For a query, this is a column name or a comma-delimited list of column names. For a structure, this is a key or a comma-delimited list of keys.

If you specify a structure element that doesn’t exist, ColdFusion ignores it and does not generate an error.

keys Optional 9999 For a structure, the number of keys to display.
label Optional A string; header for the dump output. Ignored if the value of the var attribute is a simple types.
metainfo Optional
  • yes for query
  • no for persistence CFCs
For use with queries and persistence CFCs. Includes information about the query in the cfdump results, including whether the query was cached, the execution time, and the SQL. Specify metainfo="no" to exclude this information from the query result. For persistence CFCs, if metainfo="yes", returns property attributes such as getters and setters.
output Optional
  • browser
  • console
  • filename

Where to send the results of cfdump.

The filename must include the full pathname of the file. You can specify an absolute path, or a path that is relative to the ColdFusion temporary directory. You can use the GetTempDirectory() function to determine the ColdFusion temporary directory.

show Optional all For a query, this is a column name or a comma-delimited list of column names. For a structure, this is a key or a comma-delimited list of keys.
showUDFs Optional
  • yes
  • no

yes: includes UDFs, with the methods collapsed.

no: excludes UDFs.

top Optional 9999 The number of rows to display. For a structure, this is the number of nested levels to display.
abort Optional
  • true
  • false
false If this attribute is set to "true", it stops processing the current page at the tag location.
eval Required unless var used The attribute "eval" receives a string as an entry, which is interpreted and used as a label for dump.


  • 4.0 eval attribute introduced


<!--- This is the same --->
<cfdump eval="structCount(form)">
<!--- as this --->
<cfdump var="#structCount(form)#" label="structCount(form)">


You can specify this tag’s attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag’s attribute names as structure keys.

If you hover over the label of a dump output, Railo displays the code line and the file where the dump was produced:

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