Releases: gfw-report/shadowsocks-rust
这是一个可以绕过当前GFW的检测以及封锁的修改版Shadowsocks 。我们与其他研究人员合作发现,当前的GFW会利用多种不同的规则来识别Shadowsocks,VMesss,以及Obfs4这类完全加密协议。其中一条规则就利用了这些加密流量的0比特与1比特的比例接近1:1的特性。因此,如果我们在加密流量中加入更多的0或1,再对比特序列进行重排,就可以达到改变原有比例特征,绕过检测和封锁的目的。
我们在这里讨论附上了详细的使用教程和注意事项:net4people/bbs#136 (comment)
This is a modified version of Shadowsocks that can bypass the GFW's detection and blocking. We worked with other researchers to discover that the current GFW utilizes a number of different rules to identify fully encrypted protocols like Shadowsocks, VMesss, and Obfs4. One of these rules takes advantage of the fact that the ratio of 0 bit to 1 bit in these encrypted flows is close to 1:1. Therefore, if we add more 0s or 1s to the encrypted traffic and then rearrange the bit sequence, we can achieve the goal of changing the original ratio feature to bypass detection and blocking.
For more details and instructions on how to use it: net4people/bbs#136