ParseSKOS is a small Elixir module that allows to read in and parse SKOS-source files. It supports (at the moment) files in N3 and turtle-format. The parsed vocabluary is stored as dictionary (Elixir HashDict) of nodes, where the key is the unique descriptor-id of a concept in the vocabluary and the value is the following struct:
defstruct broader: [], narrower: [], related: [], seeAlso: [], value: 0.0, prefLabel: "", altLabel: [], identifier: ""
parseSKOS comes with build-in support for two well documented and curated vocabluaries: The Standard Thesaurus Wirtschaft (STW) that includes terms to describe the domain of economics and the ACM Computer Classification System which aims to describe the domain of computer science.
Use the module as follows:
# parse STW
# parse CCS
# parse turtle-file
# parse n3-file
Add support for raw XML!