Here is where the magic happens. 🪄
I am a passionate software-developer/computer-scientist who loves to do a bunch of stuff.
- Paper about formal verification of tail-recursive algorithms using dependent type theory submitted to the LANMR 2022 Workshop.
- SceneMachine, a SVG 2D Physics game, 1st place in the 2019 Game Jam. Source code
- A support tool for professors teaching computability theory with turing machines. It is a graphic interpreter for turing machines and a compiler for a subleq-like language, that is compiled to turing machines.
- A 3D image cluster visualizer using React.js. The dataset was tagged using a custom Python tkinter application.
- A React.js Hanoi's tower interactive visualizer.
- dotfiles for Arch Linux, neovim, zsh, awesomewm, rofi and a lot of other software I use on a daily basis.
- TypeScript and Rust type-level lambda calculus implementations.
- I solved all the problems of the Advent of Code 2021 using Rust, Python, Haskell and Scala.
- A Python port of the interpreter for the lox language seen in the book Crafting Interpreters.
- A Pratt-parser implementation for parser combinators using Haskell.
- Tcl/Tk mini-chat application. I went wild with this project and implemented a custom MVVM framework.
- Eight-queens solution using Prolog and DLV.
- Simple web applications using PHP.
- Image Processing algorithms in Java.