Node-uharc is a Node.JS wrapper for Uharc. It uses wine for Unix-based system compatibility.
$ npm install node-uharc --save-dev
It will ask for sudo to install wine if it's not already installed.
It will ask for sudo to install HomeBrew.
- As default HomeBrew packages will never ask for sudo, but it will ask for Brew itself and to create a default wine folder that will break the installation if not existent (apparently High Sierra related)
const nodeUharc = require('node-uharc');
action: 'compress',
files: './*', // files or folder to compress (wildcards are supported)
output: './bin/opt.uha', // output file
compressionMode: 'LZP', // LZP or ALZ or PPM
headerEncryption: true, // archive header encryption
recursive: true, //should include subfolders
clearFileArchiceAttr: true, // clear file archive attr
multimediaCompression: true // enable multimedia detection and compression
action: 'extract',
files: './bin/opt.uha', // files or folder to extract (wildcards are supported)
output: '../tst', // output folder
Node-uhac - MIT Uharc (Copyright (c) 1997-2005 by Uwe Herklotz) - Free for non-commercial use
The only information I could find about Uharc license is that it's Free for non-commercial use.