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This library implements a hardware-aware Cartesian MPI communicator. A standard MPI Cartesian communicator created with MPI_Cart_create allows the user to specify rank grid dimensions ([nx, ny, nz], where np=nx*ny*nz is the total number of ranks) and periodicity. How the ranks are then distributed among the compute nodes, and how they are bound to compute cores depends on the MPI runtime.

hwcart gives the user much finer control over how the ranks are placed on various levels of the memory hierarchy. Consider 2-socket compute nodes with AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core CPUs.

$ hwloc-info
depth 0:            1 Machine (type #0)
 depth 1:           2 Package (type #1)
  depth 2:          8 Group0 (type #12)
   depth 3:         32 L3Cache (type #6)
    depth 4:        128 L2Cache (type #5)
     depth 5:       128 L1dCache (type #4)
      depth 6:      128 L1iCache (type #9)
       depth 7:     128 Core (type #2)
        depth 8:    256 PU (type #3)
Special depth -3:   8 NUMANode (type #13)

All cores have their private L1 and L2 caches, but there are 32 shared L3 caches. This means that 4 cores share an L3 cache, 16 cores (4 L3 cache groups) share the same NUMA node, and 4 NUMA-nodes are located on a single socket.

hwcart uses hwloc to understand the memory locality of the hardware and creates an equivalent of the MPI Cartesian communicator, in which the neigoboring ranks are placed close to each other in the complex memory hierarchy. This is done level by level, starting from the lowest desired level.

Installing hwcart

For installation instructions see Installation.


Let's assume we want to start 128 ranks per compute node, on a total of 1024 compute nodes. First, you define the split granularity, i.e., which memory domain levels are of interest. On the Epyc system this could be:

#define NLEVELS 5
    hwcart_split_t domain[NLEVELS] = {

On the lowest level 4 cores share an L3 cache. Hence, we can define the rank grid at this level to be nx=4, ny=1, nz=1, nx=2, ny=2, nz=1, nx=2, ny=1, nz=2 or nx=1, ny=2, nz=2. The 4 L3 cache groups that belong to the same NUMA node should now be arranged themselves into a 3D grid. Again, the dimensions can be e.g., nx=1, ny=2, nz=2. On each higher level the user specifies the grid dimension of the lower-level blocks. The final rak topology may look as follows

    int topo[3*NLEVELS] = {
                           4, 1, 1, // core grid
                           1, 2, 2, // l3cache grid
                           1, 2, 2, // numa grid
                           1, 2, 1, // socket grid
                          16, 8, 8, // node grid

In terms of a standard MPI Cartesian communicator this would correspond to a [64,64,32] grid of ranks. Contrary to the MPI communicator, here it is possible to specify exactly how the in-node rank grid should look to achieve best speed and minimize off-node communication.

Example: rank placement

For the topology described in Example, here is how the rank grid looks on a single compute node, on the socket level:


                      1   1   1   1
                    1   1   1   1
                  1   1   1   1
                1   1   1   1
              0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0
          0   0   0   0
        0   0   0   0

                      1   1   1   1
                    1   1   1   1
                  1   1   1   1
                1   1   1   1
              0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0
          0   0   0   0
        0   0   0   0

                      1   1   1   1
                    1   1   1   1
                  1   1   1   1
                1   1   1   1
              0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0
          0   0   0   0
        0   0   0   0

                      1   1   1   1
                    1   1   1   1
                  1   1   1   1
                1   1   1   1
              0   0   0   0
            0   0   0   0
          0   0   0   0
        0   0   0   0

In the above rank grid, all ranks with the same value are executed on the same memory domain - in this case socket. Here is how the distribution looks among NUMA nodes:


                      7   7   7   7
                    7   7   7   7
                  6   6   6   6
                6   6   6   6
              3   3   3   3
            3   3   3   3
          2   2   2   2
        2   2   2   2

                      7   7   7   7
                    7   7   7   7
                  6   6   6   6
                6   6   6   6
              3   3   3   3
            3   3   3   3
          2   2   2   2
        2   2   2   2

                      5   5   5   5
                    5   5   5   5
                  4   4   4   4
                4   4   4   4
              1   1   1   1
            1   1   1   1
          0   0   0   0
        0   0   0   0

                      5   5   5   5
                    5   5   5   5
                  4   4   4   4
                4   4   4   4
              1   1   1   1
            1   1   1   1
          0   0   0   0
        0   0   0   0

There are 8 NUMA nodes on this 2-socket system, and the printout above shows which ranks are bound to which NUMA node.

Rank numbering

Consider 4 ranks running within the same L3 cache domain, arranged into a grid of size [2,2,1]. These are two possible rank numberings:

2 3
0 1


1 3
0 2

hwcart converts a 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate of a rank into a linear rank id dimension by dimension. The order in which it is done is defined by the user at initialization time. In the first example above the order is XY, in the second - YX.

For 3D grids 6 different order types are defined (see hwcart_order_t in hwcart.h), e.g., HWCartOrderXYZ, or HWCartOrderZYX. Note that while the order will only affect rank numbering and not placement, for real-world applications this can have a measurable impact on performance. For example, it may affect the order in which applications perform certain computations, or communication.

Cartesian communicator API

hwcart is initialized using

int hwcart_init(hwcart_topo_t *hwcart_topo_out);

This call returns a pointer to hardware information. When no longer needed, the hw topology information can be freed by

int hwcart_topo_free(hwcart_topo_t *hwcart_topo);

A hwcart communicator is created based on an existing MPI communicator (e.g., MPI_COMM_WORLD):

int hwcart_create(hwcart_topo_t hwcart_topo, MPI_Comm mpi_comm, int nlevels, hwcart_split_t *domain, int *topo, hwcart_order_t cart_order, MPI_Comm *hwcart_comm_out);

It can be freed when no longer needed:

int hwcart_comm_free(MPI_Comm *hwcart_comm);

hwcart provides functions to obtain a Cartesian index from the MPI rank:

hwcart_rank2coord(MPI_Comm hwcart_comm, int *dims, int rank, hwcart_order_t cart_order, int *coord_out);

and the other way round - to obtain the MPI rank from a set of Cartesian coordinates:

int hwcart_coord2rank(MPI_Comm hwcart_comm, int *dims, int *periodic, int *coord, hwcart_order_t cart_order, int *rank_out);

It is also possible to convert a hwcart communicator to a hardware-aware native MPI Cartesian communicator, i.e., one that can be used as an argument to the standard MPI_Cart_* functions:

int hwcart2mpicart(MPI_Comm hwcart_comm, int nlevels, int *topo, int *periodic, hwcart_order_t cart_order, MPI_Comm *mpicart_comm_out);

The resulting mpicart_comm_out is created from hwcart_comm using MPI_Cart_create. Since hwcart_comm can map Cartesian coordinates to linear rank identifiers using different cart_order, ranks are first re-mapped to the numbering used by MPI (ZYX). By doing this the ability to use different ordering schemes is lost, but the resulting MPI communicator retains the memory domain locality of hwcart_comm and can be used as-is in exisiting MPI applications.

Full C API

int hwcart_init(hwcart_topo_t *hwcart_topo_out);
int hwcart_topo_free(hwcart_topo_t *hwcart_topo);
int hwcart_create(hwcart_topo_t hwcart_topo, MPI_Comm mpi_comm, int nlevels, hwcart_split_t *domain, int *topo, hwcart_order_t cart_order, MPI_Comm *hwcart_comm_out);
int hwcart_comm_free(MPI_Comm *hwcart_comm);
int hwcart2mpicart(MPI_Comm hwcart_comm, int nlevels, int *topo, int *periodic, hwcart_order_t cart_order, MPI_Comm *mpicart_comm_out);
int hwcart_sub(MPI_Comm comm, int *dims, int rank, hwcart_order_t order, int *belongs, MPI_Comm *hwcart_comm_out);
int hwcart_rank2coord(MPI_Comm hwcart_comm, int *dims, int rank, hwcart_order_t cart_order, int *coord_out);
int hwcart_coord2rank(MPI_Comm hwcart_comm, int *dims, int *periodic, int *coord, hwcart_order_t cart_order, int *rank_out);
int hwcart_print_rank_topology(hwcart_topo_t hwcart_topo, MPI_Comm comm, int nlevels, hwcart_split_t *domain, int *topo, hwcart_order_t order);

Full Fortran API

function hwcart_init(hwcart_topo)
subroutine hwcart_topo_free(hwcart_topo)
function hwcart_create(hwcart_topo, mpi_comm, domain, topo, cart_order, hwcart_comm_out) 
subroutine hwcart_comm_free(hwcart_comm)
function hwcart2mpicart(hwcart_comm, topo, periodic, cart_order, mpicart_comm_out)
function hwcart_sub(hwcart_comm, dims, rank, cart_order, belongs, hwcart_comm_out)
function hwcart_rank2coord(hwcart_comm, dims, rank, cart_order, coord_out)
function hwcart_coord2rank(hwcart_comm, dims, periodic, coord, cart_order, rank_out)
function hwcart_print_rank_topology(hwcart_topo, mpi_comm, domain, topo, cart_order)


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