Pydra tasks for dcm2bids.
Pydra is a dataflow engine which provides a set of lightweight abstractions for DAG construction, manipulation, and distributed execution.
dcm2bids is a tool which facilitates conversion from DICOM datasets to NIfTI files organized as BIDS.
pip install pydra-dcm2bids
A separate installation of dcm2bids and dcm2niix is required to use this package. Please review the following instructions.
dcm2bids can be installed alongside pydra-dcm2bids with:
pip install 'pydra-dcm2bids[all]'
from pydra.tasks import dcm2bids
task = dcm2bids.Dcm2Bids(
result = task()
You may check the following example of a configuration file.
This project is managed with Hatch:
pipx install hatch
To run the test suite:
hatch run test:no-cov
To fix linting issues:
hatch run fmt
To check the documentation:
hatch run docs:serve --open-browser
This project is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.