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My custom dotfiles for daily-driving macOS via CLI.

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Gianluca's dotfiles

Heavily modified adaptation of Mathias's dotfiles that I've personalised since 2017.

My stack:

  • Bash
  • Alacritty
  • Tmux
  • Homebrew
  • neoVim (as primary editor), based off Kickstart.nvim
  • Karabiner (and some Hammerspoon)
  • Vim (with lean .vimrc, no plugins) as fallback


With Git:

git clone
cd dotfiles

System agnostic bootstrap

cd dotfiles

Create the ~/.config/.extra file:

echo "" >> ~/.config/.extra

Add the following details (and any other system-wide variables):

# Git credentials
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global user.signingkey <signing key>

Then load up by running reload, which is an alias for:

exec $SHELL -l

Mac-specific setup

Configure some macOS preferences:


Install macOS packages with Homebrew:


Keeping homebrew synced with dotfiles

Update the dotfiles repo from the system:

cd <your-dotfiles-repo>
brew bundle dump --all --describe --force --file .config/homebrew/Brewfile

Update the system from the dotfiles repo:

cd <your-dotfiles-repo>
brew bundle install -v --cleanup --force --file ~/.config/homebrew/Brewfile

Note: you can also install, cleanup, upgrade in steps:

brew bundle install --no-upgrade --file ~/.config/homebrew/Brewfile
brew bundle cleanup --force --file ~/.config/homebrew/Brewfile
brew bundle install --file ~/.config/homebrew/Brewfile


  • Document structure, supported tools, and "philosophy"
  • Look into mackup for keeping application settings in sync.
  • Test on another Mac (in progress)
  • Test on Linux
  • Migrate apps to be installed with Homebrew
    • anki
    • blender
    • brave-browser
    • docker
    • firefox
    • handbrake
    • hex-fiend
    • iina
    • imageoptim
    • karabiner-elements
    • libreoffice
    • obs
    • obsidian
    • shottr
    • spectacle
    • spotify
    • tad
    • todoist
    • toothfairy
    • transmission
    • vcv-rack
    • vscodium
    • alacritty
    • ferdium
    • kap
    • qlmarkdown
    • syntax-highlight


Font and colour


Generate with:

tree -a -L 3 --gitignore -I .git/ -I .gitignore -I
├── .bash_profile
├── .bashrc
├── .config
│   ├── .aliases
│   ├── .bash_prompt
│   ├── .exports
│   ├── .functions
│   ├── .inputrc
│   ├── .path
│   ├── alacritty.toml
│   ├── git
│   │   └── config
│   ├── homebrew
│   │   └── Brewfile
│   ├── htop
│   │   └── htoprc
│   ├── karabiner
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   ├── complex_modifications
│   │   └── karabiner.json
│   ├── lf
│   │   ├── colors
│   │   ├── icons
│   │   └── lfrc
│   ├── newsboat
│   │   └── config
│   ├── nvim
│   │   └── init.lua
│   ├── spotify-player
│   │   └── app.toml
│   └── tmux
│       └── tmux.conf
├── .hammerspoon
│   └── init.lua
├── .vimrc
└── scripts
    ├── gt-btooth
    ├── gt-cheat
    ├── gt-scan
    ├── gt-stt
    ├── gt-sync-obsidian
    ├── gt-synchdd
    └── gt-tts

15 directories, 32 files

NeoVim setup

(Generated by GPT-4-turbo, based on my init.lua)

  • lazy.nvim: A plugin manager to organize and manage Neovim plugins.
  • tpope/vim-fugitive and tpope/vim-rhubarb: Tools for Git integration, providing commands for various Git operations directly within the editor.
  • tpope/vim-sleuth: Automatically adjusts tabstop and shiftwidth based on the file contents.
  • neovim/nvim-lspconfig: Configuration framework for Neovim's built-in LSP (Language Server Protocol).
  • williamboman/mason.nvim, williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim: Tools for managing LSP servers, ensuring they are installed and up-to-date.
  • j-hui/fidget.nvim: Provides a graphical indicator to display LSP progress information.
  • folke/neodev.nvim: Enhances Neovim's Lua development experience by providing improved support and configurations specific to Neovim's API.
  • hrsh7th/nvim-cmp, various related plugins (L3MON4D3/LuaSnip, saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip, etc.): Autocompletion framework setup with integrations for snippets, LSP, paths, and common programming constructs.
  • folke/which-key.nvim: Helps discover keybindings by showing a popup with possible keybindings as you type.
  • lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim: Adds Git-related information to the sign column (like added/changed lines) and provides commands for interacting with Git hunks.
  • smithbm2316/centerpad.nvim: Provides padding to center the text within the editor window for a more focused writing/reading experience.
  • nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim: A lightweight and configurable status line solution.
  • lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim: Adds indentation guides to empty lines.
  • numToStr/Comment.nvim: Simplifies the task of commenting and uncommenting code lines or blocks.
  • nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim, including the plenary.nvim and fzf-native plugins: An extendable fuzzy finder over lists that can be used to locate files, grep for strings, manage LSP sessions, and more.
  • nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter: Enables advanced syntax highlighting, better filetype detection, and additional text manipulation features through its parsing library.
  • Leader Key: The space ( ' ' ) key is configured as the leader key, pivotal for many custom shortcuts.
  • Colorscheme: nightfox.nvim is set as the default theme, indicating an emphasis on visual aesthetics.
  • Clipboard: Synchronized with the system clipboard, promoting easy copy-paste operations between Neovim and other applications.

Bash functions

  • v(): Opens the current directory or a specified directory in neovim if available, otherwise uses vi.
  • sf(): Searches for text-readable, non-hidden files (or all files including hidden with -a flag, excluding .git) in the current directory using rg and fzf, then opens the selected file in Vim.
  • sd(): Searches directories using fzf and changes to the selected directory, excluding paths containing .git.
  • update_environment_from_tmumx(): Updates the environment variables in tmux if running inside a tmux session.
  • mkd(): Creates a new directory (and any necessary parent directories) then changes into it.
  • fs(): Displays the size of a file or total size of a directory using du, presenting results in human-readable form.
  • Built-in Overridden diff(): Uses Git’s colored diff functionality when Git is installed, otherwise falls back to standard behavior.
  • unidecode(): Decodes Unicode escape sequences in the format \x{ABCD} and outputs them.
  • o(): Opens the current directory or a specified file/directory with the default system application.
  • tre(): Runs the tree command showing hidden files and colorizing the output (ignoring .git, node_modules, and bower_components directories) and pipes the results to less with options to keep colors and line numbers.