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linkerd-control-plane chart


Linkerd2 service mesh for Giant Swarm clusters. Based on the official linkerd2 helm charts with a few changes, required to deploy to Giant Swarm clusters.

Before you install this app, please review this document from start to finish!

Quickstart Guide

Step 1: Pre-installation and Configuration

  • Install the linkerd CNI plugin by installing linkerd2-cni-app on your cluster. Be sure to review the instructions for the CNI plugin.
  • A successful install will require you to generate a trust anchor and issuer certificate. The following steps loosely follow the official instructions.

Obtain the step cli (we're using step_linux_0.19.0_amd64.tar.gz from here) and execute the following commands. Take note of the --not-after flag. (8760h = 1 year)

step certificate create root.linkerd.cluster.local ca.crt ca.key --profile root-ca --no-password --insecure --not-after=8760h
step certificate create identity.linkerd.cluster.local issuer.crt issuer.key --profile intermediate-ca --not-after=8760h --no-password --insecure --ca ca.crt --ca-key ca.key
  • Finally construct your user secrets file by filling this template and saving as my-linkerd-certificates.yaml:
      crtPEM: |
        <contents of the issuer.crt file>
      keyPEM: |
        <contents of the issuer.key file>
identityTrustAnchorsPEM: |
  <contents of the ca.crt file>
  • (Optional) Create a file my-linkerd-values.yaml with your user configuration. The user configuration should only contain values that are additional to or diverge from the default values provided by the chart. Check the link above to see how configurations are merged. With the default values, Linkerd is installed in High-Availability mode and with CNI plugin enabled. Check the full list in the README.

Step 2: Deploy Linkerd

We recommend deploying the app by applying an App CR (Custom Resource) onto your management cluster. Use the kubectl gs plugin to generate a valid App CR with command:

kubectl gs template app \
  --catalog giantswarm \
  --name linkerd-control-plane \
  --target-namespace linkerd \
  --cluster-name <your-cluster-id>  \
  --version 0.8.0 \
  --user-configmap my-linkerd-values.yaml \
  --user-secret my-linkerd-certificates.yaml \
  --namespace-labels ",," \
  --namespace-annotations "" > linkerd-manifest.yaml

The final App CR should look like this:

kind: App
  name: linkerd-control-plane
  namespace: <your-cluster-id>
  catalog: giantswarm
    inCluster: false
  name: linkerd-control-plane
  namespace: linkerd
    annotations: disabled
    labels: disabled linkerd "true"
      name: linkerd-control-plane-userconfig-<your-cluster-id>
      namespace: <your-cluster-id>
      name: linkerd-control-plane-userconfig-<your-cluster-id>
      namespace: <your-cluster-id>
  version: 0.8.0

Please note, that for security reasons Giant Swarm by default forbids the usage of emptyDir volumes as storage for pods. Linkerd needs this functionality to run the proxy containers in any deployment that is going to be included in the service mesh. Enabling emptyDir volumes poses a risk that a pod will create such big emptyDir that the underlying cluster node will run out of disk space. If you're OK with this potential issue, the easiest way to allow for emptyDir for all the deployments is to edit the default PSP of your cluster by running the command:

kubectl patch psp restricted --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/volumes/-", "value": "emptyDir"}]'

Now you're ready to deploy linkerd - run the following command:

kubectl apply -f linkerd-manifest.yaml

When installing via the Giant Swarm web UI, you'll need to apply the labels and annotations listed in the namespaceConfig section above manually.

Step 3: After deployment

  • Optional but recommended: You can use the linkerd cli as usual with this app as we're using the default namespaces. (linkerd and linkerd-cni). You can download it from the linkerd release page.

  • Optionally you can also install the linkerd-viz extension using the linkerd-viz App.

After installation, you can open the dashboard by executing

linkerd viz dashboard

Mesh your workloads

After installation, linkerd looks for a enabled annotation on Namespaces or other workload resources. Adding this annotation to your workload namespaces will trigger automatic proxy container injection to your pods. You can use the spec.namespaceConfig.annotations field of your other apps App CR to automatically apply the required annotation.

More information on proxy injection can be found on the "Automatic Proxy Injection" page in the upstream documentation.

Attention: Proxy containers are using EmptyDir volumes for storing ephemeral data, so all of your workload pods meshed by linkerd require a PodSecurityPolicy which allows use of EmptyDir volumes.

Installing without the CNI plugin

In order to install this app without the CNI plugin, you'll need to specify cniEnabled: false in your user configuration.

Be aware that running without the CNI plugin, proxy containers will run as root and will require NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW capabilities.


App installation fails when I specify a namespace name other than linkerd

The linkerd namespace name is assumed in several parts of the chart, so we restricted installation to namespaces named linkerd only.

Proxy containers fail to start

Your workload must be able to create EmptyDir volumes, so you'll need to create a PodSecurityPolicy allowing the creation of EmptyDir volumes.

Although not recommended, it is possible to edit the default PodSecurityPolicy named restricted to allow usage ofEmptyDir volumes for all workloads without an own PodSecurityPolicy.

Failed Scheduling

The app is set up for 'High Availability' by default, with 3 replicas and pod anti-affinity enabled. However, on small clusters (with less than 3 worker nodes), this can cause scheduling failures when rolling pods or nodes. To prevent this, temporarily reduce .Values.controllerReplicas to 2.

Usage with linkerd cli

You can use the linkerd cli as usual with this app as we're using the default namespaces. (linkerd and linkerd-cni). You can download it from the linkerd release page.

Maintainer info

This chart is maintained using the vendir method. You need vendir and yq binaries for it to work.

Run make upgrade-chart to pull the last stable version of the chart from
