Releases: gibertgibs/shiny-Poetry
By what miracles
did they make it in life
I struggle day by night
but reap worst of the rest
I sweat to change
Nothing different
But failure
Am I of a curse
Am I of an execrated soul
Was I condemned
Everything I place my hands,
into dust it turns
Am of a generation of failure,
Am of nothing but a worthless being
In Education, I tried
Failure intruded
In Business, I intervened
Failure comes my way
Am truly a tossed of Disgrace,
curse and and of a condemned .
The above piece is for the purpose of making the pessimist understand their side of weakness and correct.
The Hunt
With my arrow and bow
I leap at the scene of the battle field
With courage and strength
I seem ready for the hunt
The Kob rushes by
I fail to Target
deep inside my heart
Am afraid of the hunt
At the battlefield
Crushed are the small fish
Enslaved are the weak
Disregarded are the poor
But what can a common do
My eyes ache
tears roll down
The BiG fish lives
Alas!! the hunt restrained.