A PHP library to interact with ovvar API
composer require gidkom/ovvar-php
- PHP 5.4+
Generate an API KEY from the Ovvar dashboard
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use Gidkom\Ovvar\Voucher;
$voucher = new Voucher($apikey);
Simply supply the needed parameters
currency: USD
value: amount value
quantity: number of vouchers to generated
channel: email | sms
recipient_phone: phone number to receive voucher pin
recipient email: email to receive voucher pin
$resp = $voucher->generate([
'currency' => 'USD',
'value' => 1500,
'channel' => 'phone',
'recipient_phone' => '2349063079039',
'quantity' => 10
Check if voucher is valid
$voucherPin = '12345876';
$resp = $voucher->validate($voucherPin);
Redeem voucher
$voucherPin = '12345876';
$resp = $voucher->redeem($voucherPin);
# Check result if command is succesful
if($result['status']) {
# Display result
} else {
# Something went wrong
echo 'Error: ';
echo $result['message'];