This app use rails 4.1.4 and ruby 2.1.2.
Install the latest version of [rvm](
Clone the repository
git clone cd gign
As long as you get errors run (and follow the instructions):
When it’s ok install bundler:
gem install bundler
Because of the mysql gem we need to install the following package even in development
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
Run bundler
bundle install
Migrate (in development this app use sqlite3)
rake db:migrate
copy the example
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml cp config/application.example.rb config/application.rb
Add your steam api key (you can skip this part, but the steam module will not work)
Go to to get one, then edit config/application.rb with it
Run the app
rails s
you can now go to localhost:3000
In development, run mailcatcher for email :
If you wan’t to have a admin account, regirster through the usual way, then :
rails c Group.create(admin: true, name: "Miku") User.first.groups << Group.first
(you may need to comment the level validation in app/model/group.rb to create the group)
Download and install the Public Signing Key
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list to enable the repository
deb stable main
Update your source
apt-get update
Install elasticsearch
apt-get install elasticsearch
apt-get install imagemagick
If you want to enable cron jobs
whenever --update-crontab gign
If you want to rescan steam for games
rails c SteamService.update_all
If you want to rescan port forwarding
rails c FirewallService.update!