Vendor frameworks dependencies
- Bolts
- CoreKit
- LoginKit
Frameworks downloaded from: Facebook SDK
- TwitterCore
- TwitterKit
- Fabric
Frameworks downloaded from: Twitter SDK*
*These frameworks are for version 3.1. The 2.8 version are imported manually from an old project we are using
- Vuforia
Framework downloaded from: Vuforia SDK*
Facebook v4.40.0
binary "" ~> 4.40.0
binary "" ~> 4.40.0
binary "" ~> 4.40.0
Twitter v2.8
binary "" ~> 2.8
binary "" ~> 2.8
binary "" ~> 1.6
Twitter v3.1 (Fabric is not needed anymore)
binary "" ~> 3.1
binary "" ~> 3.1
binary "" ~> 7.2
Generally, when using carthage binaries, could happen integration errors that can simply be fixed removing carthage cache:
$ rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/
Then retry update or bootstrap
When uploading a new version, is very common that the vendor doesn't set correctly the Info.plist and carthage show something like "the DTSDKName key in its plist file is missing"
Be sure that the Info.plist has the same keys than another working framework. Keys like DTSDKName
or Executable file
shouldn't be missed and Bundle OS Type code
should be set to FMWK
When uploading a new framework, is a common error that the zip generated contains MACOS files that hides some important files when carthage unzip the frameworks.
The error show by carthage is like Failed to read file or folder at /private/var/blablabla/__MACOSX/theframework.framework bla bla bla
Be sure that the zip uploaded to this repo doesn't have MACOSX folders or files.
Check the zip with
$ unzip -vl <FrameworkName>
If contains folders or files like __MACOSX
remove them with
$ zip -d <FrameworkName> "__MACOSX/" "__MACOSX/*"
then upload the framework again