.Net executable that compacts a folder into a zip file, allowing the user to provide a list of extensions, files or subdirectories to exclude.
The goal is to build a console application which is able to create a zip file from a folder and respective sub-folders,
allowing the exclusion of determined extensions, subfolders or file names. The program also should allow the output file
to be generated in a local folder or copyed to a shared folder or sent to WeTransfer. The program should be developed
using the best OOP and SOLID practices, as well respective integration and unit tests.
As an user, I can invoke the application through the command line passing as arguments:
- the folder to zip
- the name of the file to be generated
- a list of extensions to exclude
- a list of directories to exclude
- a list of files to exclude
- output type (localfile | fileShare)
- optional parameters according to the type of output
All files and folders must be included in the output file as a zip file.
Create an output design in which it's easy to include new outputs.
Develop unit tests for the code achieving the maximum coverage possible.
The application must be executed in .Net Core 2.1 and .Net Framework 4.8. The language is C# and possible IDEs are Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.