Gaussian Noise (GN) modeling library
- Free software: BSD license
- Documentation:
We believe that openly sharing ideas, specifications, and other intellectual property is the key to maximizing innovation and reducing complexity
- Goal is to build an end-to-end simulation environment which defines the network models of the optical device transfer functions and their parameters. This environment will provide validation of the optical performance requirements for the TIP OLS building blocks.
- The model may be approximate or complete depending on the network complexity. Each model shall be validated against the proposed network scenario.
- The environment must be able to process network models from multiple vendors, and also allow users to pick any implementation in an open source framework.
- The PSE will influence and benefit from the innovation of the DTC, API, and OLS working groups.
- The PSE represents a step along the journey towards multi-layer optimization.
- GNPY simulation of an amplified optical link