This is a fun quest to find out different ways to print "Hello, World!" in java. It helps me refresh some concepts and it's a good exercise to think of new methods (java pun) to write a Hello World program.
[1] The usual way
[2] Using Command Line arguments
[3] Constructors!
[4] Am I inheriting multiple classes?
[5] Create a file. Write a file. Read a file. Thug life!
[6] Do I have to implement that?
[7] Swinging Buttons.
[8] Shh! Thread is sleeping.
[9] Runnable animation with a slice of Random
[10] Brute force. This is going to take a while (loop pun!).
[11] I make my own Exceptions.
[12] Using ENUM by pinarkaymaz6
[13] This guy Scanned it. by Crashn
[14] I ACSII you to print Hello World by Dirgh-Kotharia
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- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b new-branch
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Make a valuable addition'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D