🚀 Using WebSockets with Socket.IO, I developed a real-time collaborative document editing application through Alura's WebSocket courses (WebSockets with Node.js and WebSocket Authentication). 🚀
This project aims to demonstrate the practical implementation of the WebSocket protocol using the Socket.IO library in Node.js. By utilizing WebSockets, the application establishes real-time communication between clients and the server, enabling real-time collaboration in document editing.
- Collaborative editing: multiple users can simultaneously edit the same document, with changes instantly reflected for all participants. 🔄
- Real-time events: through WebSockets, events are broadcasted in real-time to keep all clients synchronized. ⏰
- Access control: user authentication is managed through JWT, ensuring proper security and authorization to access documents. 🔐
- Room management: documents are grouped into rooms, allowing collaboration in different contexts without interference. 🏠
- Registration and authentication: users can sign up, log in, and receive JWT tokens for authentication.
- Document editing: upon creating or accessing a document, users can edit its content in real time.
- Collaboration: edits made by a user are transmitted through WebSockets to all other users in the same room.
- Access Control: Socket.IO middleware verifies client authenticity and ensures proper document access.
- WebSockets with Socket.IO
- Node.js and Express for the backend
- Frontend with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- JWT Authentication (JSON Web Tokens)
This project allowed me to explore the power of WebSockets and the Node.js language to create real-time applications. I learned to emit events, manage rooms, ensure authentication and security, and develop seamless collaboration in shared documents.