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giotto-tda version 0.2.1

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@ulupo ulupo released this 08 Apr 14:18
· 1 commit to 0.2.X since this release

Major Features and Improvements

  • The theory glossary has been improved to include the notions of vectorization, kernel and amplitude for persistence diagrams.
  • The ripser function in gtda.externals.python.ripser_interface no longer uses scikit-learn's pairwise_distances when metric is 'precomputed', thus allowing square arrays with negative entries or infinities to be passed.
  • check_point_clouds in gtda.utils.validation now checks for square array input when the input should be a collection of distance-type matrices. Warnings guide the user to correctly setting the distance_matrices parameter. force_all_finite=Falseno longer means accepting NaN input (only infinite input is accepted).
  • VietorisRipsPersistence in gtda.homology.simplicial no longer masks out infinite entries in the input to be fed to ripser.
  • The docstrings for check_point_clouds and VietorisRipsPersistence have been improved to reflect these changes and the extra level of generality for ripser.

Bug Fixes

  • The variable used to indicate the location of Boost headers has been renamed from Boost_INCLUDE_DIR to Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS to address developer installation issues in some Linux systems.

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

  • The keyword parameter distance_matrix in check_point_clouds has been renamed to distance_matrices.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo, Anibal Medina-Mardones, Julian Burella Pérez, Guillaume Tauzin, and Wojciech Reise.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.