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giotto-tda version 0.2.2

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@ulupo ulupo released this 02 Jun 07:05

Major Features and Improvements

  • The documentation for gtda.mapper.utils.decorators.method_to_transform has been improved.

  • A table of contents has been added to the theory glossary.

  • The theory glossary has been restructured by including a section titled "Analysis". Entries for l^p norms, L^p norms and heat vectorization have been added.

  • The project's Azure CI for Windows versions has been sped-up by ensuring that the locally installed boost version is detected.

  • Several python bindings to external code from GUDHI, and Hera have been made public: specifically, from gtda.externals import * now gives power users access to:

    • bottleneck_distance,
    • wasserstein_distance,
    • ripser,
    • SparseRipsComplex,
    • CechComplex,
    • CubicalComplex,
    • PeriodicCubicalComplex,
    • SimplexTree,
    • WitnessComplex,
    • StrongWitnessComplex.

    However, these functionalities are still undocumented.

  • The gtda.mapper.visualisation and gtda.mapper.utils._visualisation modules have been thoroughly refactored to improve code clarity, add functionality, change behaviour and fix bugs. Specifically, in figures generated by both plot_static_mapper_graph and plot_interactive_mapper_graph:

    • The colorbar no longer shows values rescaled to the interval [0, 1]. Instead, it always shows the true range of node summary statistics.
    • The values of the node summary statistics are now displayed in the hovertext boxes. A a new keyword argument n_sig_figs controls their rounding (3 is the default).
    • plotly_kwargs has been renamed to plotly_params (see "Backwards-Incompatible Changes" below).
    • The dependency on matplotlib's rgb2hex and get_cmap functions has been removed. As no other component in giotto-tda required matplotlib, the dependency on this library has been removed completely.
    • A node_scale keyword argument has been added which can be used to controls the size of nodes (see "Backwards-Incompatible Changes" below).
    • The overall look of Mapper graphs has been improved by increasing the opacity of node colors so that edges do not hide them, and by reducing the thickness of marker lines.

    Furthermore, a clone_pipeline keyword argument has been added to plot_interactive_mapper_graph, which when set to False allows the user to mutate the input pipeline via the interactive widget.

  • The docstrings of plot_static_mapper_graph, plot_interactive_mapper_graph and make_mapper_pipeline have been improved.

Bug Fixes

  • A CI bug introduced by an update to the XCode compiler installed on the Azure Mac machines has been fixed.
  • A bug afflicting Mapper colors, which was due to an incorrect rescaling to [0, 1], has been fixed.

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

  • The keyword parameter plotly_kwargs in plot_static_mapper_graph and plot_interactive_mapper_graph has been renamed to plotly_params and has now slightly different specifications. A new logic controls how the information contained in plotly_params is used to update plotly figures.
  • The function get_node_sizeref in gtda.mapper.utils.visualization has been hidden by renaming it to _get_node_sizeref. Its main intended use is subsumed by the new node_scale parameter of plot_static_mapper_graph and plot_interactive_mapper_graph.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo, Julian Burella Pérez, Anibal Medina-Mardones, Wojciech Reise and Guillaume Tauzin.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.