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giotto-tda version 0.4.0

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@ulupo ulupo released this 13 Jan 15:06

Major Features and Improvements

  • Wheels for Python 3.9 have been added (#528).
  • Weighted Rips filtrations, and in particular distance-to-measure (DTM) based filtrations, are now supported in ripser and by the new WeightedRipsPersistence transformer (#541).
  • See "Backwards-Incompatible Changes" for major improvements to ParallelClustering and therefore make_mapper_pipeline which are also major breaking changes.
  • GraphGeodesicDistance can now take rectangular input (the number of vertices is inferred to be max(x.shape)), and KNeighborsGraph can now take sparse input (#537).
  • VietorisRipsPersistence now takes a metric_params parameter (#541).

Bug Fixes

  • A documentation bug affecting plots from DensityFiltration has been fixed (#540).
  • A bug affecting the bindings for GUDHI's edge collapser, which incorrectly did not ignore lower diagonal entries, has been fixed (#538).
  • Symmetry conflicts in the case of sparse input to ripser and VietorisRipsPersistence are now handled in a way true to the documentation, i.e. by favouring upper diagonal entries if different values in transpose positions are also stored (#537).

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

  • The minimum required version of pyflagser is now 0.4.3 (#537).
  • ParallelClustering.fit_transform now outputs one array of cluster labels per sample, bringing it closer to scikit-learn convention for clusterers, and the fitted single clusterers are no longer stored in the clusterers_ attribute of the fitted object (#535 and #552).

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo, Julian Burella Pérez, and Wojciech Reise.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.