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rootfs Disk Encryption

One tool that can be used to increase system security is encryption. This article discusses using sdm to configure encryption for the rootfs partition on a Raspberry Pi system disk. This makes the loss of a disk far less of a problem, since the content cannot be read, nor can the disk be booted, without knowing how to decrypt the partition either with a passphrase or a USB Keyfile Disk.

Although encryption does increase security, there are some challenges, such as:

  • The rootfs passphrase must be typed on the console every time the Pi reboots, but you can also use a USB Keyfile Disk, or enter the passphrase remotely via SSH. sdm fully supports both methods. Details below.
  • rootfs encryption does not make the running system any more secure
  • This tool does not provide any way to undo disk encryption if you decide you don't want it
    • You'll have to rebuild the system disk
    • Good news: If you're using sdm to create your customized IMG, rebuilding your disk is much less of an issue

With those caveats, if rootfs encryption is useful for you, sdm makes it quite simple to configure and use an encrypted rootfs.

NOTE: This tool only supports sdm-integrated encryption configuration using the cryptroot plugin on RasPiOS Bookworm and later. sdm-cryptconfig can be used on already-running RasPiOS systems as well as on Debian Bookworm (arm and X86_64) and derivatives.


There are many articles about rootfs disk encryption on the Internet. If you're interested in learning more about it, your favorite search engine will reveal a bazillion articles on the subject.

Additionally, this Wikipedia article discusses LUKS encryption, which is utilized to encrypt your rootfs.

sdm supports enabling rootfs encryption configuration in two different ways:

  • sdm-integrated, using the cryptroot plugin
  • Standalone on RasPiOS and Debian Bookworm without needing all of sdm by using sdm-cryptconfig on your running system

These two methods are discussed in the following sections.

sdm-Integrated rootfs Encryption Configuration

Terse Description

The system reboots a couple of times, performing steps during each reboot:

  • First system boot: At the end, the sdm-firstboot service runs, which completes sdm system configuration and reboots
    • An sdm FirstBoot script, /etc/sdm/0piboot/ runs and configures the service sdm-auto-encrypt to run on reboot
  • Second boot: At the end of system startup, the sdm-auto-encrypt service runs which reconfigures the system for encryption and reboots
    • The sdm-auto-encrypt service runs sdm-cryptconfig to configure the system for encryption and configures the sdm-cryptfs-cleanup service
  • Third boot: System startup drops into initramfs to perform the encryption process
    • In initramfs you use the sdmcryptfs command to encrypt rootfs
    • Upon initramfs exit, system continues booting
    • At end of system startup the sdm-cryptfs-cleanup service tidies sdm-related services on the running system, removes sdmcryptfs-related bits from the initramfs, and then reboots
  • Final reboot: System is now running on an encrypted rootfs
    • All system boots now require the rootfs unlock passphrase or USB Keyfile Disk to continue


When customizing an IMG or burning an IMG to an SSD/SD Card, you can start the encryption configuration process by using the cryptroot plugin. See cryptroot plugin documentation for details on the cryptroot plugin. This plugin performs several steps:

  • Installs the required crypto software: cryptsetup, cryptsetup-initramfs, and cryptsetup-bin
  • Configures sdm to create and run the sdm-auto-encrypt service after the system has fully completed the sdm FirstBoot process
  • Provides an overview of what steps will be taken to encrypt your system's rootfs

The sdm-auto-encrypt service runs the script sdm-cryptconfig with arguments indicating that it should operate in sdm-integrated mode. See below for details on sdm-cryptconfig.

sdm-integrated rootfs encryption is nearly fully automatic if you use the sdm switch --restart. From the time you first boot your newly-burned disk you'll only need to type 2 commands, both when running in initramfs:

  • A command to encrypt rootfs (see below)
  • exit, to exit the initramfs and continue the system boot on a newly-encrypted rootfs

All other steps are done automatically.

Standalone rootfs Encryption Configuration

If your RasPiOS system was not built with sdm (why not?), or if your distro is Debian Bookworm-based (or later) you can still use a single sdm script to encrypt your rootfs: sdm-cryptconfig.

When your system is running, simply download and run sdm-cryptconfig:

# sdm-make-luks-usb-key and sdm-add-luks-key are only needed if you want to use a USB Keyfile Disk
sudo curl --fail --silent --show-error -L -o /usr/local/bin/sdm-make-luks-usb-key
sudo curl --fail --silent --show-error -L -o /usr/local/bin/sdm-add-luks-key
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sdm-add-luks-key /usr/local/bin/sdm-make-luks-usb-key

# sdm-cryptconfig is required for rootfs encryption
sudo curl --fail --silent --show-error -L -o /usr/local/bin/sdm-cryptconfig
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sdm-cryptconfig
sudo sdm-cryptconfig [optional switches; see below]

The sdm-cryptconfig Script

sdm-cryptconfig performs all necessary configuration before the rootfs can be encrypted:

  • Downloads the script sdmcryptfs from Github to /usr/local/bin if it's not present on the system (sdm-enhanced systems will already have it)
  • If not an sdm-enhanced system, installs the required disk crypto software: cryptsetup, cryptsetup-initramfs, and cryptsetup-bin
  • If SSH access to initramfs was requested, dropbear-initramfs and dropbear-bin are also installed
  • Updates the initramfs configuration to enable encrypting rootfs (primarily bash and sdmcryptfs)
  • Builds the updated initramfs with encryption support
  • Updates /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt, /etc/crypttab, and /etc/fstab for an encrypted rootfs
  • If sdm-cryptconfig was run via the cryptroot sdm plugin or if --reboot specified, the system will automatically reboot
    • If not, reboot the system manually when you are ready to proceed

sdm-cryptconfig Switches

sdm-cryptconfig has several switches. When using sdm-integrated rootfs encryption the cryproot plugin takes care of setting the appropriate switches, based on the arguments to the plugin. All switches are optional.

Switches to sdm-cryptconfig include:

  • --authorized-keys authkeyfile — Specifies an SSH authorized_keys file to use in the initramfs. Required with --ssh
  • --crypto crypt-type — Specifies the encryption to use. aes used by default, which uses aes-xts-plain64. Use xchacha on Pi4 and earlier for best performance. See Encryption/Decryption performance comparison below.
  • --dns dnsaddr — Set IP Address of DNS server
  • --gateway gatewayaddr — Set IP address of gateway
  • --hostname hostname — Set hostname
  • --ipaddr ipaddr — set IP address to use in initramfs
  • --keyfile /path/to/keyfile — A keyfile used for passphrase-less booting. See Unlocking rootfs with a USB Keyfile Disk for details
  • --mapper cryptmapname — Set cryptroot mapper name [Default: cryptroot]
  • --mask netmask — Set network mask for initramfs
  • --nopwd — Do not configure passphrase unlock; a keyfile is required
  • --quiet — Keep graphical desktop startup quiet (see 'known issues' below)
  • --ssh — Enable SSH in initramfs. Requires --authorized-keys to provide an authorized keys file for SSH security
  • --sshbash — Leave bash enabled in the SSH session rather than switching to the captive cryptroot-unlock (DEBUG only!)
  • --sshport portnum — Use the specified port rather than the Default 22
  • --sshtimeout secs — Use the specified timeout rather than the Default 300 seconds
  • --reboot — Reboot the system (into initramfs) when sdm-cryptconfig is complete
  • --sdm — sdm cryptroot plugin sets this. Not for manual use
  • --unique-ssh — Use a different SSH host key in initramfs than the host OS SSH key

The network configuration switches (dns, gateway, hostname, ipaddr, and mask) are only needed and should only be used if you know that the system is unable to get an IP address and network configuration information from the network (e.g., via DHCP). These settings are ONLY used in the initramfs if SSH is enabled and are not automatically removed.

RasPiOS uses a different mechanism to configure a static network, such as Network Manager, or other network configuration tools.


initramfs is one of the first programs run during a RasPiOS system boot. Since the system has been configured to use an encrypted rootfs, initramfs will try to boot using that configuration, and it will fail.

But not for lack of trying! initramfs will try to open the encrypted disk 30 (!) times before it gives up, reports an error, and prompts with:


At this point, you need to know two important details:

  • The name of your system disk, which will most likely be /dev/mmcblk0 (integrated SD reader), /dev/sda (a USB-connected disk), or /dev/nvme0n1 for an NVME disk
  • The name of the scratch disk, which must be larger than the used space on your rootfs. sdm-cryptconfig will tell you what size this must be

It's best to not plug in the scratch disk until you are at the (initramfs) prompt, because log messages will tell you the name of the disk you just plugged in.

With this information, you'll enter the command (for example):

(initramfs) sdmcryptfs /dev/mmcblk0 /dev/sda

This will cause sdmcryptfs to encrypt the rootfs on /dev/mmcblk0, using /dev/sda as a scratch disk.

sdmcryptfs will then:

  • Print the size of the rootfs
  • Save the contents of the rootfs to the scratch disk
  • Enable encryption on the rootfs
    • You will be prompted to enter YES (all in upper case) to continue
    • You will then be prompted to provide the passphrase for $rootfs unless nopwd was specified
    • Be sure that your CapsLock is set correctly (in case you changed it to type YES)!!!
  • After a short pause you'll be prompted for the passphrase again to unlock the now-encrypted rootfs unless nopwd was specified
  • If you provided an encryption keyfile to sdm-cryptconfig or the cryptroot plugin it will be installed into the encrypted rootfs
  • The saved rootfs content will be restored from /dev/sdX to the encrypted rootfs
  • When the restore finishes sdmcryptfs will exit and drop you to the (initramfs) prompt
  • Type exit to continue the boot sequence
  • Once the system boot has completed the sdm-cryptfs-cleanup service will run which:
    • Removes some content that is no longer needed (bash and sdmcryptfs) and rebuilds initramfs
    • Reboots the system one last time
  • As the system reboots you'll once again be prompted for the rootfs passphrase
    • NOTE: Without the 30 tries!
    • If using a USB Keyfile Disk you'll only be prompted if the USB Keyfile Disk cannot be found
  • The system will now ask for the rootfs passphrase like this (or use the USB Keyfile Disk) every time the system boots

Do not lose or forget the rootfs passphrase. It is not possible to unlock the encrypted rootfs without a USB Keyfile Disk or rootfs passphrase

Sample initramfs/sdmcryptfs Console Interaction

Lines not preceded by > yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss are the output of programs (dd, cryptsetup, resize2fs) that are run by sdmcryptfs. The date/time may be incorrect if the system doesn not have a battery backed up clock.

(initramfs) sdmcryptfs /dev/sda /dev/sdb
> 1970-01-01 00:00:59 Shrink partition /dev/sda2 and get its size
> 1970-01-01 00:01:17 Device ‘/dev/sda’ rootfs size 743448 4K blocks (3.0GB; 2.86GiB)
> 1970-01-01 00:01:17 Save rootfs '/dev/sda2' to /dev/sdb
> 1970-01-01 00:01:17 rootfs Save should take less than 3 minutes
743448+0 records in
743448+0 records out
> 1970-01-01 00:02:04 Enable luks2 encryption on '/dev/sda2'
> 1970-01-01 00:02:04 OK to ignore superblock signature warning
> 1970-01-01 00:02:04 Enabling encryption could take up to a minute or two
WARNING: Device /dev/sda2 already contains a 'ext4' superblock signature.
This will overwrite data on /dev/sda2 irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type ‘yes’ in capital letters): YES
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda2:
Verify passphrase:
Ignoring bogus optimal-io size for data device (33553920 bytes).
> 1970-01-01 00:03:31 Unlock encrypted partition ‘/dev/sda2’
> 1970-01-01 00:03:31 Unlock will take several seconds
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda2:
> 1970-01-01 00:03:41 Restore ‘/dev/sda2’ from /dev/sdb
> 1970-01-01 00:03:41 rootfs Restore should take about the same time as the rootfs Save
743448+0 records in
743448+0 records out
> 1970-01-01 00:04:53 Restore complete; Expand rootfs…
Resize2fs 1.47.0 (5-Feb-2023)
Resizing the filesystem on /dev/mapper/cryptroot to 117076694 (4k) blocks.
The file system on /dev/mapper/cryptroot is now 117076694 (4k) blocks long.

> 1970-01-01 00:04:56 rootfs partition size: 479546138624 Bytes (479.5GB, 446.6GiB)

Enter the 'exit' command to resume the system boot

(initramfs) exit

SSH and initramfs

If the Pi is headless (no keyboard/video/mouse) it is quite difficult (OK, it's impossible or close to it) to unlock the rootfs partition. There are two solutions that you can use with sdm's encrypted rootfs support. You can:

  • Use a USB Keyfile Disk (described in the next section).
  • Enable SSH in the initramfs. When the system boots you can SSH into the initramfs and you'll be prompted for the rootfs unlock passphrase. After you enter it correctly, the system boot will proceed.

SSH can also be used during the initial rootfs encryption process, discussed in the next section. Everything works exactly the same as if you are sitting on the console, with the exception that log entries (e.g. plugging in a disk) do not show up in the SSH session.

You can use parted -l in the initramfs to determine which disks are plugged in to decide, for example, what scratch disk to use with sdmcryptfs.

Note that once you've enabled SSH in the initramfs, sdm does not provide an easy way to disable it. That said, it is typically not active for very long, and once encryption has been configured the SSH port is locked down to only prompting for the unlock passphrase.

sdm-cryptconfig switches relevant for SSH are:

  • --authorized-keys keyfile — Specifies an SSH authorized_keys file to use in the initramfs. This is required with SSH, since there is no password authentication in initramfs
  • --sshbash — Leave bash enabled in the SSH session rather than switching to the captive cryptroot-unlock
  • --sshport portnum — Use the specified port rather than the Default 22
  • --sshtimeout secs — Use the specified timeout rather than the Default 300 seconds
  • --unique-ssh — Use a different SSH host key in the initramfs. The default is to use the host OS SSH key
  • Network configuration settings — You may need to use some or all of these depending on your network configuration

Note that if SSH is enabled in initramfs, you can also SSH into the initramfs to perform the initial configuration (sdmcryptfs). As part of the post-encryption cleanup, this capability is removed in favor of only being able to enter the decryption passphrase.

Add SSH to an Already-Encrypted system

If you encrypted your rootfs but didn't add SSH and now wish you did, you can! On your running, rootfs encrypted system:

sudo /usr/local/sdm/sdm-ssh-initramfs --authorized-keys /path/to/ssh/authorized_keys

sdm-ssh-initramfs will install and configure dropbear, and then rerun update-initramfs -u. After it completes, reboot the system, and the SSH server will be active, and you'll be able to unlock the encrypted rootfs over the network using SSH with a key that is accepted in the authorized_keys file.

sdm-ssh-initramfs has a few other configuration switches. They are documented above at sdm-cryptconfig switches. sdm-ssh-initramfs supports the --authorized-keys, --dns, --gateway, --hostname, --ipaddr, --mask, and --unique-ssh switches.

SSH and initramfs Notes

Things to know when using SSH as documented here:

  • You must use ssh root@address. The username root is important, as that's how SSH is configured in the initramfs
  • You can use ssh root@hostname if DNS (not MDNS) on your network is set up correctly for resolving local host names.
  • You will not be able to SSH using ".local" names when initramfs SSH is running; avahi is not running in the initramfs so the system is unknown to MDNS (that's the protocol that is used for ".local")
  • If your local network does not have a properly-configured DNS server, you'll need to use ssh root@
  • WiFi is not supported for the SSH initramfs connection

Unlocking rootfs with a USB Keyfile Disk

Instead of typing the rootfs passphrase every boot you can use a USB Keyfile Disk to unlock the rootfs.

Creating a USB Keyfile Disk

Use sudo /usr/local/sdm/sdm-make-luks-usb-key on a host system to create a USB keyfile disk and key. sdm-make-luks-usb-key takes one argument, the name of an unmounted disk where the keyfile will be written. The disk will be re-partitioned with a small FAT32 partition.

Use --init for the first key you create and save to the USB Keyfile Disk. If you add additional keys to the disk (for the same or other systems), only use --init if you intend to delete ALL keys already on the disk.

Switches include:

  • --ext4 — Also create a small second partition, formatted as ext4
  • --hidden — Create a GPT formatted disk and tag the partition as EFI. It will not be readable on Windows. Requires --init
  • --hostname hname — Add this key to the file hostkeys.txt on the USB Keyfile Disk. This is handy if you have multiple keys on the disk.
  • --init — Re-initialize the USB disk and re-create the FAT32 partition

Using the USB Keyfile Disk

The USB Keyfile Disk can be used in one of 3 ways:

  • Disk already inserted into the system when boot starts
    • The system will locate the keyfile on the USB Keyfile Disk and continue the system boot
  • Disk inserted after the boot process has started
    • Once the disk has been inserted it will be noticed and used
  • Disk not present
    • Enter the unlock passphrase when prompted with Insert USB Keyfile Disk and press ENTER (or type passphrase then ENTER):

USB Keyfile Disk Usage Notes

  • In addition to writing the USB Keyfile Disk, sdm-make-luks-usb-key also places a copy of the encryption key file in /root/big-long-uid.lek.

    You may find it handy for use during customization runs, but once a USB Keyfile Disk has been successfully created, you can sudo rm -f /root/big-long-uid.lek, or *.lek to delete them all.

  • If you get to the prompt Insert USB Keyfile Disk and press ENTER (or type a passphrase then ENTER): you will probably see the following messages after you press ENTER:

Nothing to read on input.
cryptsetup: ERROR: cryptroot: cryptsetup failed, bad password or options?

These messages can be ignored as the rootfs unlock process will then loop around, retry and find the USB Keyfile Disk you just inserted.

Adding a USB Keyfile to an Already-Encrypted rootfs

If your rootfs is already encrypted with a passphrase, but no keyfile, you can easily add a keyfile to it:

  • Create the USB keyfile disk
  • Add the USB keyfile on the host with the encrypted rootfs (on the system running with an encrypted rootfs):
sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt
sudo /usr/local/sdm/sdm-add-luks-key /mnt/big-long-uuid.lek
sudo umount /mnt
  • Reboot

Exploring and Mounting Encrypted Disks

Encrypted disks can be explored or mounted with the --encrypted switch.

If a keyfile has been added to the encrypted disk you can use --keyfile /path/to/keyfile.lek to unlock the rootfs with a keyfile. --keyfile implies --encrypted.

Encryption Performance

As mentioned above, it's best to use aes encryption on the Pi5, which has built-in crypto instructions. All other Pis lack these instructions, so xchacha is recommended for them.

Encryption/Decryption Performance Comparison

Here's a performance comparison on a Pi5, first showing xchacha, then aes. As you can see, aes encryption is more than twice as fast as xchacha, and more than 4 times as fast on decryption.

pw/ssdy/work$ sudo cryptsetup benchmark -c xchacha20,aes-adiantum-plain64
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
#            Algorithm |       Key |      Encryption |      Decryption
xchacha20,aes-adiantum        256b       394.4 MiB/s       421.6 MiB/s

pw/ssdy/work$ sudo cryptsetup benchmark -c aes-xts-plain64
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
# Algorithm |       Key |      Encryption |      Decryption
    aes-xts        256b      1774.5 MiB/s      1836.1 MiB/s

pw/ssdy/work$ sudo cryptsetup benchmark -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
# Algorithm |       Key |      Encryption |      Decryption
    aes-cbc        256b       923.4 MiB/s      1895.6 MiB/s

On a Pi4, the results are quite different. Using xchacha is more than twice as fast as aes on both encryption and decryption.

p84~$ sudo cryptsetup benchmark -c xchacha20,aes-adiantum-plain64
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
#            Algorithm |       Key |      Encryption |      Decryption
xchacha20,aes-adiantum        256b       170.9 MiB/s       180.0 MiB/s

p84~$ sudo cryptsetup benchmark -c aes-xts-plain64 
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
# Algorithm |       Key |      Encryption |      Decryption
    aes-xts        256b        87.5 MiB/s       108.4 MiB/s

p84~$ sudo cryptsetup benchmark -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 
# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
# Algorithm |       Key |      Encryption |      Decryption
    aes-cbc        256b        68.8 MiB/s        81.3 MiB/s

Known Issues

  • On the Pi5 a 4Kb page size is not supported. Changing the page size from the default 16Kb to 4Kb (using kernel=kernel8.img) on a Pi5 AFTER encryption has been enabled causes encryption to fail. The failure is reversible by undoing the pagesize change. Configuring the page size before enabling disk encryption also fails in sdmcryptfs for reasons as yet unknown.

  • When running RasPiOS with Desktop (both X11 and Wayland) sdm-cryptconfig will unconditionally make these adjustments to your system:

    • Remove 'quiet' and 'splash' from /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt, making the system boot far less quiet
    • Disable the plymouth splash screen
    • Configure the system so that the boot following the disk encryption boots to the CLI
      • The systemd service sdm-cryptfs-cleanup restores the boot to graphical desktop

    The above changes are made to ensure that you have full visibility into what's happening in the boot process. You can override these changes with the sdm-cryptconfig --quiet switch.

    After the system has fully completed the encryption process, if you want you can sudoedit /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt and add quiet splash. Also, if you want to re-enable plymouth, do the following once you're logged in:

for svc in plymouth-start plymouth-read-write plymouth-quit plymouth-quit-wait plymouth-reboot
    sudo systemctl unmask $svc
  • systemd-cryptsetup-generator tries to do its thing at boot even though initramfs has already handled the encrypted rootfs. The resulting error in the system journal is innocucous, but if you don't like it, and your system only has an encrypted rootfs (i.e., no other encrypted partitions) you can disable this by appending luks.crypttab=no to the end of /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt. The error is similar to this:
Sep 16 10:05:08 pit systemd[1]: /run/systemd/generator/systemd-cryptsetup@cryptroot.service:14: RequiresMountsFor= path is not absolute, ignoring: 82a24bee-73dc-11ef-a1c0-2ccf6734bbee


Encryption configuration is based on As of 2024-01-01 it predates Bookworm, but was very helpful in working out the initramfs configuration.