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This is a simple portfolio website created using HTML, Bootstrap, and CSS. It showcases my projects, skills, and provides a brief introduction about me.


  • A clean and responsive design for various screen sizes.
  • Sections for showcasing projects, skills, and contact information.
  • A brief introduction and personal bio.


[Insert screenshots of your portfolio here]

Live Demo

You can view a live demo of the portfolio here.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Used for structuring the content of the website.
  • Bootstrap: Used for styling and layout components. It ensures a modern and responsive design.
  • CSS: Used for custom styling and layout adjustments.
  • [Optional] JavaScript: If you've added any interactive features, mention JavaScript here.

Getting Started

To view this portfolio locally or make changes, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the portfolio.

  3. To make changes, edit the HTML and CSS files as needed and refresh the page to see the updates.


Feel free to customize this portfolio to make it your own. You can:

  • Update the content in the HTML files to reflect your projects and skills.
  • Modify the CSS styles to match your preferred color scheme and design.
  • Add additional sections or pages as needed.


  • Bootstrap - For the responsive design framework.
  • Font Awesome - For icons used in the portfolio.
  • Unsplash - For placeholder images (if used).