Table of Contents
- Add the Tampermonkey extension on your browser
- Download the script from:
- Go to "home/.local/share/applications" and add the following line to "mimeinfo.cache"
- Clone the repo and open
folder - Open "vlc-stream.desktop" and change the [username] with the name of your user
Exec=/home/[username]/.local/share/applications/ %u
- Copy "vlc-stream.desktop" and "" to "home/.local/share/applications"
- The first time you open a streaming site you have to "always remember" choice (if you didn't go see Troubleshooting)
- Enjoy your streaming on VLC
Download the installer from:
- Add the Tampermonkey extension on your browser
- Download the script from:
- Type "regedit" in the "Run..." command (Windows logo key+R)
- Add a "vlcs" key to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" and add a new empty string value "URL Protocol"
- Add three new keys "shell", "open" and "command" (See the figures if you have problems)
- Change the Default string value of "command" with the path ["C:\Program Files (x86)\StreamToVLC\vlc_stream.bat" "%1"] (Copy also the quotes)
- Clone the repo and open
folder - Now copy "vlc_stream.bat" in the path you wrote at the previous step (You have to create the new "StreamToVLC" folder)
- The first time you open a streaming site you have to "always remember" choice (if you didn't go see Troubleshooting)
- Enjoy your streaming on VLC
NB. If the script doesn't work check that the VLC path in the .bat file is the same of your computer.
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Open the site and press on the video to open VLC
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
- -- Fully compatible
If you didn't set "always remember" you have to go to the script source code (you can find it in the Tampermonkey dashboard) and add "//" at the beginning of this line: "window.close();" (row 88), then authorize and remember the authorization to open VLC and uncomment the line.
If the script on rapidvideo works only the first time you open the site, you have to disable your Adblocker on rapidvideo in order to make it works
If you see an error in VLC when you try to open an openload link you have to disable your adblocker on openload links ( too, not only the one you see in the url bar, because if the site recognize the adblocker it redirects you to a different url).