• Added Anime module:
- /anime : returns information about the anime. (added - add to favorite anime list button)
- /character : returns information about the character. (added - add to favorite anime list character)
- /manga : returns information about the manga. (added - add to manga read list.)
- /watchlist: to get your saved watchlist.
- /mangalist: to get your saved manga read list.
- /characterlist | fcl: to get your favorite characters list.
- /removewatchlist | rwl : to remove a anime from your list.
- /rfcharacter | rfcl : to remove a character from your list.
- /rmanga | rml : to remove a manga from your list.
• Added Sticker module:
- /addsticker: Reply to a sticker to add it to your pack.
- /delsticker: Reply to your anime exist sticker to your pack to delete it.
- /stickerid: Reply to a sticker to me to tell you its file ID.
- /getsticker: Reply to a sticker to me to upload its raw PNG file.
- /addfsticker | afs : Reply to a sticker to add it into your favorite pack list.
- /myfsticker | mfs: Get list of your favorite packs.
- /removefsticker | rfs : Reply to a sticker to remove it into your favorite pack list.
Now you can kang animated stickers too! And Shoko will automatically create new pack once your old animated pack becomes full. [same as static stickers]
• Tagger module:
Tagger is an essential feature to mention all subscribed members in the group. Any chat members can subscribe to tagger.
- /tagme: registers to the chat tag list.
- /untagme: unsubscribes from the chat tag list.
• Admin only:
- /tagall: mention all subscribed members.
- /untagall: clears all subscribed members.
- /addtag : add a user to chat tag list. (via handle, or reply)
- /removetag : remove a user to chat tag list. (via handle, or reply)
• Added Wall Module.
Thanks To @NobArxtx.
• Added Gban With Support Evidence.
• Noticeable Changes:
- New /info panel based on telethon.
- Now afk module shows afk time too.
- /purge will show total deleted messages and time.
- Now /mute will give 'unmute & Delete' button.
- Added About bot button.