New Features
Scene exporting
- Added scene export mode which automatically generates the following file types:
- .texture.tga and .texture.tga.meta.
- .prim and .prim.meta.json.
- .material.json.
- .entity.json (for the geomentity files).
- .aloc (if the model has collision).
The scene export mode is limited to exporting meshes with predefined materialclasses which are basicmaterial, basicmaterial_glass and basicmaterial_mirror.
- basicmaterial uses diffuse, specular and normal.
- basicmaterial_mirror uses diffuse, specular and normal.
- basicmaterial_glass is configured to use textures from the game instead (you'll have to modify the template json directly to change this behaviour).
You may add more material templates in the file_mat/materials folder if you wish. You can also customise material properties in the "Prim Material Properties" section in the "Material" tab:
If you don't specify a specular and normal texture while using the basicmaterial materialclass you may need to also change some of the material properties to make it render correctly in-game like "Diff_Albedo_Value".
Bug Fixes
- Fixed exporting meshes with flat 2d planes.
- Fixed exporting meshes with a 0 scale on one axis.