A web extension that replaces the current PogChamp emote on twitch.tv with the original Gootecks version of the emote
The original PogChamp emote is iconic and some will never be happy with Twitch's replacement(s). This extension helps with that, by providing the original PogChamp emote entirely locally.
MutationObservers. Using these, we can keep an eye on key sections of the Twitch website (like the chat window) and swap the emotes as they come in.
By swapping the twitch image tags with ones provided in the script. They point to an included version of the original PogChamp emote, and are coded to match the original Twitch versions when it comes to CSS classes.
Check out the extension on the Chrome Web Store or on AMO.
You can also check the releases page, the latest version will always be there with instructions on how to install it manually.
Send suggestions, open issues, and report bugs. If you really want to you can even contribute here on GitHub.