A STOMP client library for node.js compatible with STOMP 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 servers.
Stompit is also a command-line application for publishing and consuming messages with a broker.
Library features include:
- Transport agnostic - the client api supports any transport implementing the Stream.Duplex interface;
- Frame body streaming - your application is in direct control of reading and writing frame body data;
- High-level Channel API - messages being sent and subscriptions are maintained after connection interruptions;
- Low-level Client API - socket-like interface with manual connection management and error handling.
Example usage of Stompit's Channel API:
var stompit = require('stompit');
var connections = new stompit.ConnectFailover([
host: '',
port: 61613,
host: '/',
login: 'username',
passcode: 'password'
var channel = new stompit.ChannelFactory(connections);
channel.send('/queue/a', 'hello', function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('send error ' + error.message);
console.log('message sent');
channel.subscribe('/queue/a', function(error, message) {
if (error) {
console.log('subscribe error ' + error.message);
message.readString('utf8', function(error, body) {
if (error) {
console.log('read message error ' + error.message);
console.log('received message: ' + body);
npm install stompit
- stompit.connect(options, [connectionListener])
- new stompit.Client(transport, [options])
- client.connect(headers, [callback])
- client.disconnect([callback])
- client.destroy([error])
- client.send(headers, [options])
- client.sendFrame(command, headers, [options])
- client.subscribe(headers, onMessageCallback) → Subscription
- subscription.unsubscribe()
- onMessageCallback(error, message)
- message inherits stream.Readable
- message.readString(encoding, callback)
- message.ack()
- message.nack()
- client.begin([headers])
- transaction.send(headers, [options])
- transaction.commit([options])
- transaction.abort([options])
- new stompit.ConnectFailover(servers, [options])
- failover.connect(connectCallback)
- connectCallback(error, reconnect)
- new stompit.Channel(connectFailover, [options])
- channel.send(headers, body, [callback])
- channel.subscribe(headers, onMessageCallback)
- channel.begin([headers]) → Transaction
- transaction.send(headers, body)
- transaction.commit([callback])
- transaction.abort()
- channel.close()
- API reference