Bindings to Erlang's built in HTTP client, httpc
gleam add gleam_httpc@3
import gleam/http/request
import gleam/http/response
import gleam/httpc
import gleam/result
import gleeunit/should
pub fn send_request() {
// Prepare a HTTP request record
let assert Ok(base_req) ="")
let req =
request.prepend_header(base_req, "accept", "application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json")
// Send the HTTP request to the server
use resp <- result.try(httpc.send(req))
// We get a response record back
|> should.equal(200)
|> response.get_header("content-type")
|> should.equal(Ok("application/json"))
|> should.equal("{\"message\":\"Hello World\"}")
Older versions of HTTPC do not verify TLS connections by default, so with them your connection may not be secure when using this library. Consider upgrading to a newer version of Erlang/OTP, or using a different HTTP client such as hackney.