The scripts to generate OSM Water Layer
Dai Yamazaki, 2nd April 2021
Install OSMOSIS, GDAL, Fortran. The scripts are written for MacOS. Modifications might be needed for other environment.
- Work in OSM_sea/ directory.
- Detailed procedure written in in OSM_sea/
- Make a project directory (sample calc_2021Feb/ to process the OSM planet data at that time)
- Go to extract_water/ directory.
- Make osm/ directory, and download the latest planet.pbf from servers.
- Then, follow the instruction in in calc_2021Feb/ directory.
- Make a high-res project directory (sample hires_2021Feb/ )
- Then, follow the instruction in in hires_2021Feb/ directory.
- Goto distribute/ directory.
- Edit, and execute it.
- Edit, and execute it.
=== OSM PBF file ===
This is "derived data" and thus should be distributed under ODbL 1.0 license.
=== Rasterized data ===
Binary: merge_water/5deg/ GeoTiff: merge_water/tif/
Binary: 5deg/ GeoTiff: OSM_WaterLayer_tif
These data are "creative works"(not derived data) according to the OpenStreetMap guideline. So we can put any license. Now this is distributed under CC-BY 4.0.
Below values are used in rasterlized data. 0: land 1: ocean 2: large water body (poligon) 3: majopr river 4: canal 5: small stream