This Terraform module deploys NSX-T Distributed Firewall Rules into an existing VMware Cloud Director (VCD) environment. It enables the provisioning of new Distributed Firewall Rules into Rackspace Technology SDDC Flex VCD Data Center Regions.
Name | Version |
terraform | ~> 1.2 |
vcd | ~> 3.8 |
Name | Type |
vcd_nsxt_edgegateway | Data Source |
vcd_vdc_group | Data Source |
vcd_nsxt_security_group | Data Source |
vcd_nsxt_distributed_firewall | Resource |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
vdc_org_name | The name of the Data Center Group Organization in VCD | string | "Organization Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Account_Name>" |
yes |
vdc_group_name | The name of the Data Center Group in VCD | string | "Data Center Group Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Account_Name> <datacenter group>" |
yes |
vdc_edge_name | Name of the Data Center Group Edge Gateway | string | "Edge Gateway Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Edge_GW_Identifier>-<edge>" |
yes |
app_port_profiles | Map of app port profiles with their corresponding scopes | map(string) | {} | yes |
ip_set_names | List of IP set names | list(string) | [] | yes |
dynamic_security_group_names | List of dynamic security group names | list(string) | [] | no |
security_group_names | List of security group names | list(string) | [] | no |
rules | List of rules to apply | list(object({ name = string, direction = string, ip_protocol = string, action = string, enabled = optional(bool), logging = optional(bool), source_ids = optional(list(string)), destination_ids = optional(list(string)), app_port_profile_ids = optional(list(string)) })) | [] | yes |
Name | Description |
firewall_id | The ID of the firewall |
firewall_rule_names | The names of the firewall rules |
module "vcd_nsxt_distributed_firewall" {
source = ""
vdc_org_name = "<VDC-ORG-NAME>"
vdc_group_name = "<VDC-GRP-NAME>"
vdc_edge_name = "<VDC-EDGE-NAME>"
app_port_profiles = {
ip_set_names = [
dynamic_security_group_names = [
rules = [
name = "Allow_Prod-App-Web-->Prod-App-DB"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "ALLOW"
app_port_profile_ids = ["MS-SQL-S"]
source_ids = ["Prod-App-Web_Dynamic-SG"]
destination_ids = ["Prod-App-DB_Dynamic-SG"]
name = "Allow_US1-NSXT-ALB-->Prod-App-Web"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "ALLOW"
app_port_profile_ids = ["HTTPS"]
source_ids = ["US1-NSXT-ALB_Service"]
destination_ids = ["Prod-App-Web_Dynamic-SG"]
name = "Allow_US1-Segment-03-->US1-Segment-01"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "ALLOW"
app_port_profile_ids = ["SSH", "RDP", "HTTP", "HTTPS"]
source_ids = ["US1-Segment-03-Network_172.16.2.0/24_IP-Set"]
destination_ids = ["US1-Segment-01-Network_172.16.0.0/24_IP-Set"]
name = "Allow_US1-Segment03-->US1-Segment-04"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "ALLOW"
app_port_profile_ids = ["HTTP", "HTTPS", "MS-SQL-S", "MySQL"]
source_ids = ["US1-Segment-03-Network_172.16.2.0/24_IP-Set"]
destination_ids = ["US1-Segment-04-Network_172.16.3.0/24_IP-Set"]
name = "Allow_ICMP-ALL"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "ALLOW"
app_port_profile_ids = ["ICMP ALL"]
name = "Allow_Outbound-Internet"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "ALLOW"
source_ids = [
name = "Default_Drop"
direction = "IN_OUT"
ip_protocol = "IPV4"
action = "DROP"
This module is maintained by the Global VMware Cloud Automation Services Team.