A CloudFormation template for sending budget alarms to slack using AWS Chatbot
Invite the AWS Chatbot to your Slack channel:
/invite @aws
Slack channel ID: right-clicking the channel you want to use > Additional Options > Copy Link
(Only provide the string after /archives/
The installation is automated with Infrastructure as Code using Cloudformation.
The stack includes:
- IAM Chatbot role
- SNS Topic
- SNS Topic Policy
- AWS Budget
- AWS Chatbot Configuration for Slack
Deploy as Cloudformation stack:
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file CF-BudgetNotification-Chatbot.yaml \
--stack-name CF-BudgetNotification-Chatbot \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides \
BudgetLimit=<limit-in-USD> \
CostNotification=<ACTUAL | FORECASTED> \
SlackChannel=<your-slack-channel-id> \
SlackWorkspaceId=<your-aws-chatbot-workspace-id-for-slack> \
--region <your-region-1>