Streamlined Arch/Artix Linux install script for installing KDE or DWM
- Openrc as init with artix
- SystemD as init with arch
- Secure Boot
- Zen kernel
- Zstd Compression
- Btrfs
- Zram
- LUKS encryption
- Apparmor
- Dnscrypt
- Some tweaks for performance
- Hardened SSH
- Hardened Firewall
- Hardened browser with custom settings and user policy
- Minimal KDE install with minimal packages.
- Minimal DWM install.
- Enabled Emoji support
Layout Patches
- Cycle Layout
- fibonacci_spiral
- fibonacci_dwindle
- 3 column Layout
UI Patches
- movestack
- noborder
- vanity gaps
- fade inactive
Misc Patches
- fullscreen
- always center
- ewmhtags
- focusonnetactive
Base install
Connect to internet before running the below commands
pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring git
git clone
DE/WM/Server install
Restart and login as the new user created from above script and run the below commands
git clone