Implementation of Sidechain Gluwacoin for Luniverse
Read Sidechain Gluwacoin for details.
Gluwacoin is an interoperable stablecoin standard. The standard has built-in functions to enable exchange with other cryptocurrencies, which connects its ecosystem to other blockchains. We have implemented the system to support the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum network. The implementation includes security features, compliance features, and upgrade features that provide the desired level of security and elasticity.
The Gluwacoin Trust proposed the standard. This repository is the official implementations of the Gluwacoin standard by Gluwa.
For more information, see Gluwacoin,, or the original whitepaper.
$ npm install
$ npx oz init
You need this for local testing. We will use a preset of ERC20 to use as a base token for the ERC-20 Wrapper Gluwacoin.
$ npx oz link @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package
Let’s deploy an ERC20 token contract to our development network. Make sure to have a Ganache instance running, or start one by running:
$ npx ganache-cli --deterministic
Note that the current version of Ganache does not work on Node 14
We are using Node 12