This is a quick script that I knocked up to extract all the messages stored in an account on Intercom. It's useful if you're moving away from Intercom and want to keep a copy of your data.
To setup the Docker image run:
$ docker-compose build
Then add your Intercom access token to the .env.secrets
$ vi .env.secrets
It only needs to contain one line. Make it look like this:
Finally, run the script to download all the data from your account:
$ docker-compose run --rm intercom ruby dump.rb
You should then find that the script starts retrieving data from the Intercom API, and storing the raw JSON that their API returns in files inside a folder called ./intercom-dump
At this point, protect your customers' data by removing .env.secrets
I also recommend you encrypt the ./intercom-dump
folder immediately. Use a strong encryption tool such as PGP (or GnuPG). Can't be bothered? What happens if you should lose your computer, with all your customers' contact details, geographic locations, etc on it? It doesn't bear thinking about, right?
And please don't run this on any computers whose filesystems aren't encrypted with strong encryption. You can't securely delete a file from an SSD drive, so if you save one of these JSON files containing customer data to such a disk, the only way you'll be able to reliably destroy the data is to destroy the drive.