#GitLab NRPE Check Plugin
optional arguments:
** -h, --help** show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST Hostname of the Gitlab server
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN User token for the Gitlab server
**-x, --extended ** Add extended information. This will include the JSON sent back from the GitLab server.
**Note: ** token is deprecated by GitLab as of version 9.4 but this plugin supports it as input for compatibility. See the GitLab web page for more information about whitelisting your monitoring server:
Place this script in /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/gitlab_nrpe_check.py and make it executable:
chmod +x /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/gitlab_nrpe_check.py
On your monitoring server you need to place this file also in the plugins3party directory. On my server it was /etc/lib64/nagios/plugins/plugins3party and make it executable just like you did on the target sever above.
Then add the following to /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
command[gitlab_nrpe_check]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/gitlab_nrpe_check.py -H <<<your server ip>>>
The above assumes that you whitelisted the server to itself. If not, then use the Gitlab token
command[gitlab_nrpe_check]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/gitlab_nrpe_check.py -H <<<your server ip>>> -t <<<your gitlab token>>>
Make sure to restart Nagios NRPE service:
systemctl restart nrpe
Don't foreget to check the status of NRPE too!
systemctl status nrpe
Define new command in your nagios/naemon commands.cfg file on your monitoring server.
define command {
command_name gitlab_nrpe_check
command_line $USER1$/plugins3party/gitlab_nrpe_check.py -H $HOSTADDRESS$
define service {
service_description gitlab_nrpe_check
host_name pv-git
use generic-service
check_command gitlab_nrpe_check
contact_groups admins