Spacewalk CEFS and OVAL reporting data import script. This script imports data from website and loads it into your spacewalk server.
** -u [UID] -p [PASSWORD] -s [FQDN] [OPTION]...**
-o, --output... [directory]
Output directory where the downloaded data will be stored.
-u, --userid... [userid]"
Spacewalk administrative user id used to import the data. [Mandatory]
-p, --password... [password]
Spacewalk administrative user id password for the user id to import the data. [Mandatory]
-s, --spacewalk-server... [FQDN]
Spacewalk server Fully Qualified Domain Name Example: [Mandatory]
-h, --help
Display this help and exit.
-v, --verbose
Show all output to standard out.
-d, --delete-old-files
Delete all previously downloaded files.