This repo reimplements deepCRE using shap and modisco. It also upgrades to tensorflow 2.10.0.
Within the current directory containing all python scripts, you should have the following sub directories:
genome : Contains the reference genomes you wish to train deepCRE on.
gene_models: Contains the reference gtf files matching the genomes.
tmp_counts: Contains target files. This file must have at least two columns named exactly: gene_id and target.
The target column should be the already assigned true labels. This reimplementation allows you the freedom to assign true labels as you see fit.
I have provided two example input files:
example_input.csv: For training. This is an example of how your input training file should look. You can add more rows, where each row will be one species of interest. This file contains primarily 6 columns:
genome| gtf | tpm_target | output_name |number of chromosomes | pickle_key_id |
example_predict_input.csv: For predictions, modisco, shap runs. his file contains the following columns:
genome| gtf | tpm_target | output_name |number of chromosomes |
To train models use the following commands
python --input example_input.csv --pickle validation_genes.pickle --model_case SSR --ignore_small_genes yes
python --input example_input.csv --pickle validation_genes.pickle --model_case SSC --ignore_small_genes yes
To run predictions use
python --input example_predict_input.csv --model_case SSR --ignore_small_genes yes
To compute shap importance scores. You also get a ..shap_meta.csv file for genes and predictions This file is a one-to-one match with scores in the ..shap_score.h5 output
python --input example_predict_input.csv --model_case SSR --ignore_small_genes yes
To run modisco
python --input example_predict_input.csv --model_case SSR --ignore_small_genes yes