Simpleimagewrap is an INI based disc image wrapper, with the very simple purpose of mounting an image, launching an application, and unmounting the image when the application exits.
Configuration is done entirely via an INI file matching the name of the executable itself. If you rename the executable "ssf_wrap.exe", you should have an INI file named "ssf_wrap.ini" in the same directory. The INI itself is very basic, and an example that uses SSF and DTLite looks like:
mounter = daemontools ; daemontools or virtualclonedrive *required
executable = .\SSF.exe ; the executable to run after the image is mounted *required
sleep = 2 ; highly recommend a value of at least 2 *optional
type = dt ; dt or scsi, the type of DT virtual drive
drive = 0 ; virtual drive number, these start at 0 for daemon tools
path = C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe ; path to DTLite.exe
When using this with an emulator front-end, you would select "ssf_wrap.exe" as the emulator and have the disc image as the argument.