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goFrendiAsgard edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

Do I need to know Javascript in order to use Chimera-Framework?

It is better if you know some Javascript. But if you don't, you can still use Chimera-Framework by writing some CHIML script. The only thing you really need to know is how to install Node.Js and npm.

When will I need to know Javascript?

You will use Javascript if you write some if or while condition. Furthermore, for performance critical operation, you can write your chain in Javascript rather than CHIML. Below is the skeleton of Javascript chain:

module.exports = (ins, vars, callback) => {
  // do something here
  callback (error, out)

Chimera-Framework is using CLI mechanism. Isn't it better to just use UNIX Pipe instead?

This is true for simple processes (e.g: something like cat | more). However, once your process need parallel, serial, or conditions, UNIX Pipe can be confusing and intimidating.

Chimera-Framework solve this by let you compose your components in a very readable format

Can't we just write Javascript program invoking childProcess in order to run a CLI command?

Chimera-Framework is more than just run a CLI commands or another Node modules. CHIML language provide a similar form to handle callback, normal function, and CLI command:

  - |(input1, input2) -> {javascriptFunction} -> output
  - |(input1, input2) -> [javascriptCallbackFunction] -> output
  - |(input1, input2) -> <javascriptPromise> -> output
  - |(input1, input2) -> cliCommand -> output

Thus, you don't need to change all your legacy script into Promise object, and you can escape callback hell

How fast is Chimera-Framework compared to UNIX Pipe

Obviously, Chimera-Framework is slower.

This is a time test for running a single Python program:

gofrendi@minastirith:~$ time python "integrate(2*x)" "[-2,-1,0,1,2,3]" && time chimera "(a,b) -> python" "integrate(2*x)" "[-2,-1,0,1,2,3]"
[4, 1, 0, 1, 4, 9]

real    0m0.319s
user    0m0.284s
sys     0m0.032s

real    0m0.565s
user    0m0.556s
sys     0m0.024s

And this is a time test for piping Python and Node.Js program:

gofrendi@minastirith:~$ time node mean.js "$(python "integrate(2*x)" "[-2,-1,0,1,2,3]")" && time chimera "{\"ins\":[\"a\",\"b\"], \"do\":[\"(a,b) -> python -> c\", \"(c) -> node mean.js\"]}" "integrate(2*x)" "[-2,-1,0,1,2,3]"

real    0m0.426s
user    0m0.380s
sys     0m0.040s

real    0m0.658s
user    0m0.596s
sys     0m0.068s

The difference was around 200 ms. This is quite significant for critical purpose processes. Chimera-Framework uses safeEval and require mechanism. Both are badly impact the performance in trade of flexibility.

Is it worth to build a web application by using Chimera-Framework considering it's performance?

Web application executed once and will always available in the memory. Thus, the performance for each request won't be affected.

Also, for critical processes in Chimera-Web-Framework, we use Javascript instead of CHIML. And since there is no SafeEval being used, the performance is good enough. (Mostly 200-something ms for CRUD)

Can I contribute? Is there any standard for contribution?

We use js standard and 2 spaces. That's all. If you work with tabs or 4 spaces, please convert it back to 2 spaces before submit a pull request.

It doesn't work

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